MikeLJ - May 24, 2018 2:00 pm Date Climbed ... Curved Ridge in winter . It is probably the quickest but not the most interesting way. We were lucky for the low cloud cover lower down on the ridge keeping the temperatures down. It’s a beautiful route at grade II or III depending on the conditions on the day with some very nice climbing. It takes a climb or two to work through the faff factor of fumbling with gloves on, to remind yourself which way up your crampons go, that you need to pee before you put your harness on and that you need to eat constantly. A guided ascent of Curved Ridge with a Curved Ridge Guide from Kirkhope Mountaineering will be an experience of a lifetime. Walker-friendly accommodation in the area Some people will happily solo up it (or run in the Glencoe Skyline race!). The Fionn Choire Horseshoe Scurr Nan Gillean by Pinnacle Ridge Cuillin Ridge Traverse Blaven and Clach Glas Traverse. Its great mass of cliffs made Buachaille Etive Mor one of the most important mountains in the development of mountaineering in Scotland. A guided ascent of Curved Ridge takes you up the impregnable looking North East Face of Stob Dearg (1022m), the highest point on the Buachaille's ridge. 1    The gully slanting back to the right reaches the Crowberry Tower Gap and from there a short groove leads left then right to the top of Crowberry Gully and the final summit slopes. Buachaille Etive Mor was accessed via Curved Ridge before a traverse over the Buachaille's two Munros, and Buachaille Etive Beag's pair. This site uses cookies to provide you with the best browsing experience. A Guided ascent of Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor Curved Ridge is one of Scotland's most famous scrambles, it is a great way to climb the iconic Bauchaille Etive Mor in both summer and winter. The walk to the start of the ridge (which is hidden around the side of the north face) is under the impressive crags and other famous ridges that ‘the Buachaille’ is famous for. There are not many times that i … This is a truly massive mountain. Stob Dearg (Buachaille Etive Mor) - 1022m Wednesday 23rd November 2016. Wilderness Mountains. Glover and R.G. The first rock-climb on the north face was made in 1894 by Collie, Solly, and Collier, and it is now known as Collie's Climb. All rights reserved. By 1896, Curved Ridge and Crowberry Ridge had been climbed. Then look no further than this full-day scrambling adventure on the famous Curved Ridge on the Buachaille Etive Mor in Glencoe. It is beyond the difficulty of what Walkhighlands' features on route descriptions but is featured in several user walk reports below. From the gap a short corner is climbed to a ledge on the left, then an easy rising spiral traverse leads to the top. The foreshortened view of Curved Ridge Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor is one of Scotland's most popular and famous scrambles. The route weaves it's way through the impregnable looking NE face of the mountain.Graded 2/3, this is an outstanding way to climb this amazing mountain! No description has been contributed for this climb. The crux sections are quite easily seen and it’s worth throwing in a couple of pitches on these. Curved Ridge is a good scramble on Buchaille Etive Mor. Napier, 11th April 1898. Curved Ridge is regarded as a classic hard scramble (Grade 3 - or Moderate rock-climb) - it requires careful route-finding and most would use a rope to aid security. Its four star rating would no doubt offer a fine day in the mountains and would of course provide broader experiences compared to simply returning to the same crag as yesterday to climb a second route. Best of Scottish Winter: Curved Ridge, Glen Coe, Hodr Men's Hard Shell Waterproof Mountain Jacket, Grim Men's Hard Shell Waterproof Mountain Jacket, Odin Men's Hard Shell Waterproof Mountain Jacket, Bergelmir Men's Hard Shell Waterproof Jacket, Jormun Men's Lightweight Hard Shell Jacket, Tor Men's Ultra Lightweight Hooded Down Jacket, Floyen Men's Mid Layer Hybrid Insulated Jacket, Magni Men's Mid layer Hooded Fleece Jacket, Orindi Men's Merino Wool Thermal Base Layer, Valdyr Men's Hard Shell Drop Seat Mountain Pant, Vanir LT Men's Hard Shell Mountain & Ski Pant, Vanir LT Women's Hard Shell Ski and Mountaineering Trousers. Asmund Women's Hard Shell Mountain Jacket, A MULTI CONDITION HARD SHELL JACKET. Moderate / III (WINTER). Feedback Always Hide βeta. Ticklists. Buachaille Etive Mor 'The Great Herdsman of Etive' is one of Scotland's most iconic mountains. Curved Ridge II 3. Hillwalking routes up Buachaille Etive Mor - … This can include 'βeta' which is crucial information about the route which may be how to do a move, or tips about hidden holds or gear. The Asmund is a highly versatile, lightweight and packable wind and waterproof hard shell. The 8km ridge of Buachaille Etive Mor, Glen Coe. It passes through grand rock scenery, is a good general viewpoint and gives interesting climbing under almost any conditions (especially well sheltered from a SW gale). A magnificent route and by far the most popular to the summit of the mountain. personal content if required. With blue skies expected, Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor sounded a far more enjoyable outing. Today i was on Curved ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor in Glencoe. Buachaille Etive Mor Climber's Log. We usually take in the Munro peak of Cairngorm as well if there is time. By continuing we assume that you are consenting to all cookies on this Website. If you don't want to see βeta then select 'Always Hide βeta' and the comments will be hidden for you. An excellent first scramble Certainly the most useful winter climb on the Buachaille and can be quite hard. Find your feet in a supportive, yet challenging and authentic environment. A full technical feature set and our SKJOLDR™ ultra-breathable and waterproof membrane means... Curved Ridge, Buachaille Etive Mor, Glen Coe. From the cairn a horizontal left traverse for about 30m brings one onto a snow slope with two gully exits. It's a great route at any time of the year, with plenty of mountaineering to get to the 3 or 4 steeper pitches and plenty more mountaineering above to reach the summit of Stob Dearg. Setting off at around 5am, he first tackled the traverse of Aonach Eagach west-to-east before following the high ground to the Devil's Staircase. You can show your support in one of two ways; both come with rewards, and one includes discounted products from Rockfax. Top ridge scrambles of Britain, Winter get me started, Please Login to view more details on the logged ascents. Curved Ridge, Buachaille Etive Mor, Glen Coe. 1 2. Hide Search . There are more interesting routes up the tower, but this is the easiest and best in descent. Spectacular sunny day, and wide-ranging views over the west and central Highlands. Scrambling Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor in Glencoe is one of the classic scrambling days in Scotland. Buachaille Etive Mor. Climb slightly left out of the Crowberry Basin by any of the several variations and pass beneath the Rannoch Wall of Crowberry Ridge (two short steep pitches) to reach a final big cairn at the top of Curved Ridge proper and below the foot of Crowberry Tower. Snow and ice fill the gullies. We were soon on Curved Ridge and enjoying the climbing, the conditions were challenging with fresh snow covering all the rocks which lead to a steep … Overview ... No description has been contributed for this climb. Easier options are available in the gully to the right of the crest (beware of avalanches). Help-Crag Map. But I didn’t expect, in winter, to find myself basking in the sun on the top with my feet up. © UKClimbing Limited. After a fantastic day on Point 5 Gully the day before we needed a shorter outing before the 6 hour drive home. Sort By: Viewing: 1-20 of 28. Mike Pescod is an IFMGA guide, and a member of Jöttnar's Pro Team. Last updated November 23 2020. Aonach Eagach Ridge Buachaille Etive Mor by Curved Ridge Bidean by Lost Valley Horseshoe. Distance/Ascent/Time: 6.2km / 770m / 8h 10m Accompanying: Dave. Buachaille Etive Mor is one of Scotland's most iconic mountains and Curved Ridge is the classic route on this classic mountain! Curved Ridge (Winter) Grade-3 240m. Temperature must have been hovering on zero, but just enough to make sure everything was frozen solid. You can also set this in your User Options. If time permits, an ascent of the Crowberry Tower can be included if the first route is followed. A classic and the most famous of the Buachaille Etive Mor ridges. The first winter climb of the season always feels like a real test. In winter, this is a Grade II route, not a scramble. Others will very definitely prefer the security of a rope, especially on the two crux sections. On Sean’s previous trip we did a day of winter skills on Bua It’s raw, beautiful and real. This is the classic fortress of cliffs and buttresses hundreds of feet high at the mouth of Glen Coe. The line follows the crest of the ridge throughout. Great little ridge with fun climbing all the way. image caption The men died while climbing Buachaille Etive Mor in ... by Sheffield-based Jagged Globe and had taken two of the company's clients for a winter climb of Curved Ridge… Weather/Conditions: Lean but good! When you throw in short days, a thin cover of fresh, useless snow and a chance the ground is not yet well frozen, it’s not surprising that it feels tough to get going. On a guided ascent of Curved Ridge you can scramble your way to the summit of this majestic mountain under the care of one of our experienced guides. Please help UKClimbing continue to provide varied and free content by becoming an official UKC Supporter. Curved Ridge    300m    II/III,3*** (but can attain grade III after heavy snowfall), First ascent: G.T. It takes a climb or two to work through the faff factor of fumbling with gloves on, to remind yourself which way up your crampons go, that you need to pee before you put your harness on and that you need to eat constantly. Curved Ridge & Buachaille Ridge Posted by Max Hunter on 22nd May, 2014 Hunter Mountaineering On Wednesday morning I was rudely woken up by heavy rain on the windows – never a good sign, and not normally an indicator of a good day in the making! 2    The gully going up slightly leftward leads directly to the summit rocks. Booking and Prices. I’ve been up Curved Ridge quite a few times now on the Buachaille. You can also copy any of your previous personal ascent comments to Public Feedback if they contain useful general information. 1:25,000. The walk in is less than an hour and the climb goes all the way to the summit of Stob Dearg with a short enough walk down Coire na Tullach at the end of the day. Curved Ridge: The first of the Buachaille's great ridges offers a grand mountain route and a smashing way to the summit of Stob Dearg 600m. Curved Ridge. With a short walk up a broken scree slope the bottom of the ridge … Its 8 km ridge made up of four dramatic peaks, two of which are Munros: The most famous is Stob Dearg [1021m Munro]. 'Curved Ridge' is a superb Grade 3 scrambling route aiming directly for the Buachaille's northern Munro summit, Stob Dearg. Great routes in the Coe, 3 star Scottish winter, Winter Aspirations, Easy 3 and 4 star Scottish winter routes, EUMC - Must do climbs, 4 Star Scottish Winter. We follow the vertical line of the Curved Ridge reaching up to the black silhouette of Crowberry Tower. Much of it can be climbed like an Alpine ridge by shortening the rope and moving together. It is rated as Grade 2 or 3 scramble, depending on what you read. The ridge wasn’t that busy with most parties making their way to Rannoch wall for steeper climbing. The Bergelmir's little sister, using our lightest grade of micro rip-stop SKJOLDR™ waterproof breathable fabric. An excellent introductory scramble, with a short walk-in and difficulties increasing gradually with height. The weather forecast for Buachaille Etive Mor is: A moderate fall of snow, heaviest on Sat morningFreeze-thaw conditions (max 1°C on Sat afternoon, min -6°C on Fri afternoon)Winds increasing (calm on Fri afternoon, near gales from the W by Sun afternoon). Buachaille Etive More rises up in front of us; the big brother of Buachaille Etive Beag. He is the founder of Abacus Mountain Guides, an outdoor guiding company based in Fort William, as well as being the author of the guidebook Winter Climbs Ben Nevis and Glen Coe. Curved ridge is one of the defining features of the Buchaille that are visible from the roadside. LIGHT IN WEIGHT, SMALL ON SPACE. There are many rock-scrambling and climbing routes up the north face for Stob Dearg, the most well known is Curved Ridge, a grade 3 scramble in an airy aspect. Please click on the climb from the dropdown list. Curved Ridge scramble Curved Ridge and Crowberry Tower Grade 2 / 3 under summer conditions Curved Ridge is the most well-known and popular scramble on Buachaille Etive Mor, and arguably the second best in the Glencoe area, after the Aonach Eagach. For Andrew's final day, we felt that we had got every last drop of winter out of Ben Nevis, so we changed tack slightly and enjoyed a springlike ascent of North Buttress on Buachaille Etive Mor. Note: All grid references are from OS Outdoor Leisure 38 - Ben Nevis & Glencoe. The first winter climb of the season always feels like a real test. The climbing is always interesting, varied and on solid rock with plenty of spikes for protection. Feedback comments are intended to give extra information about a route which may be helpful to other climbers. Buachaille Etive Mor, the 'big shepherd of Etive', is an imposing mountain, rising dramatically above Rannoch Moor and guarding eastern approaches to Glencoe. Considering one of Scotland’s most famous walls, climbing on the Curved Ridge on the incredible Buachaille Etive Mor is an experience you will never forget. Buachaille Etive Mor, or "The Buachaille", is the most distinctive and recognisable mountain in the country, standing proudly at the head of Glen Coe and Glen Etive. If you see something incorrectly marked as βeta, you can hide it by clicking on the word 'βeta:' on the left. We soloed most of it but roped up for some technical steps in the middle of the route. They can be edited before posting to remove If you read a comment that you think contains crucial βeta then you can mark it as 'βeta' using the flag on the right. Curved Ridge is the epitome of a grade 2/3 scrambling. It climbs to the main summit of Stob Dearg on Buahaille Etive Mor, Scotland's most photographed mountain. "A steep descent then takes you to the Lairig Eilde" says John. After what has felt like a very ‘on-off’ Scottish winter, this week provided Sean and I with some good climbing. Black Cuillin. A week previously, I'd been on … See Also: Crowberry Ridge Rannoch Wall North Butress Slime Wall Curved Ridge Hillwalking Curved Ridge. Shrouded in clouds all the way, though, so sadly no summit view. Abacus Mountain Guides: Curved Ridge Buachaille Etive Mor - See 163 traveler reviews, 71 candid photos, and great deals for Corpach, UK, at Tripadvisor. So, try Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor as a wee warm up climb. Best described as a steep but moderately exposed ridge that winds its way up this iconic mountain depositing us onto one of Buachaille Etive Mor’s impressive Munros; Stob Dearg. It’s a long route so you will get lots of time in your crampons but it is a relatively short day.