Don't miss the video. JNTU Kakinada Volleyball (Women) Team – selected Players for the year 2019-20-Reg. Complete info on JNTU College of Engineering in SVU region, Andhra Pradesh. 0884-2300823 . Exam Conducting Authority: JNTUH On Behalf Of TSCHE: Category: TS EAMCET 2020 Counseling: Exam Date: 09-09-2020 TO 14-09-2020: Official Website: : Notice Released On: 06-10-2020 & Revised On 11-10-2020 . Co-Education College Non-Minority College OU Region Hostel: Not Available . JNTUH has issued approval orders for new B.Tech. International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engg. Name Designation Qualification Email-Id; Dr. K. Aparna: Assistant Professor & Placement Cell Officer: M.Tech, Ph.D: 040-23057787 [email protected] Address: 500085, Hyderabad District. The Simulation of the Effect of Fuel Spray Entrance Direction Vector on Temperature and Turbulent Kinetic Energy in the Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, International Journal of Fluids Engineering,ISSN 0974-3138, Influence of Liquid Fuel Injection Velocities on Combustion in a taper can gas turbine combustion chamber, International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology,ISSN: 2319-5967, Penetration of Liquid Fuel Droplets For Different Fuel Injection Velocities In The Taper Can Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2277-212X, Simulation of the Effect of Fuel Injection Velocities in Can Type Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, NATIONAL LEVEL SEMINAR ON COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS & DYNAMICS OF ROBOTICS, 9th- 10th, October -2010, Effect of liquid Fuel Injection Velocities on Combustion in Can Type Gas Turbine Combustion, National Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Engineering, 24th -25th May 2013, ISBN:978-93-82163-00-8, Influence of Fuel Volatility for Different Inlet Air Temperatures in Taper Can Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID-2014] ISBN 978-1-4799-3158-3528, Effect of Inlet Air Temperature on Liquid Fuel Combustion in Taper Can Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, Impact of Inlet Air Temperature on Liquid Fuel Combustion in a Taper Can Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, Effect on Optimization of Cutting Parameters in EDM using RSM Method, ARM Processor Based Multisensor System Design for the Measurement of Environmental Parameters, International Journal of Sensors & Transducers, Volume 136, Issue 1, pp:59-71,ISSN:1726-5479, Design and Development of Low Power Wireless Sensor System for Measurement and Monitoring of Bio-Medical Parameters, International Journal of Engineering Research, Volume No.2, Issue No.3, pp:208-212,ISSN:2319-6890, Strategies in the Design of Low Power Wireless Sensor Network for the Measurement and Monitoring of Physiological Parameters, International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, Volume No.2, Issue No.5, pp :539-547,ISSN: 2319-8656, Implementation of AEC(Acoustic Echo Cancellation) on Cortex-M4, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, Volume No.2, Issue No.10, pp:1017-1021,ISSN:2277-1581, Metadata Collection and Monitoring the Efficiency of Workflow in Industries using Wireless Sensors Network, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, Volume No.2, Issue No.17, pp:2028-2033,ISSN:2319-8885, Performance of Decision Feedback Equalizer over Frequency Selective Fading Channel in W-CDMA Systems, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology, Volume No.1, Issue No.1, pp:2028-2033,ISSN:2347-6389, Electronic Bus Service and Enquiry Management System, Volume No.3, Issue No.5, pp:0816-0819,ISSN:2319-8885, Design of Compact Multipurpose Mobile Based Health Care Device With Location Tracker Using Wearable Technology, International Journal of Science and Research, Volume No.3, Issue No.8, pp:0753-0756,ISSN:2319-7064, Hand Gesture Recognition Application for Physically Disabled People, Volume No.3, Issue No.8, pp:0765-0769,ISSN:2319-7064, Feature Selection Method For Single Target Tracking Based on Object Interaction Models, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Volume No.4, Issue No.8, pp:0034-0037 ISSN:2248-9622, Acceleration of Shiftable 0(1) Algorithm for Bilateral Filtering Non-local means, Volume No.3, Issue No.9, pp:1073-1077,ISSN:2319-7064, Soft Local Ternary Pattern For Decision Making System Based on Human Emotions, International Journal of Research in Computer Science, Volume No.2, Issue No.1, pp:0006-0011,ISSN:2349-3828, Design of NFC Based Vehicle Parking System Using Smartphone, Volume No.4, Issue No.3, pp:0819-0821,ISSN:2319-7064, Implementation of Green Wave System for Traffic Clearance of Emergency Vehicles and for Detection of Theft Vehicles, Volume No.4, Issue No.3, pp:0948-0951,ISSN:2319-7064, Denoising of NIRS Measured Biomedical Signals, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering, Volume No.3, Issue No.5, pp:0199-0209,ISSN:2347-3207, Wireless Network Sensors for Precise Agriculture Monitoring, Volume No.3, Issue No.6, pp:0278-0285,ISSN:2347-3207, A Sovereign EBB Detection and Alerting System Based On Mobile Omnipresent Computing, Volume No.3, Issue No.7, pp:0302-0307,ISSN:2347-3207, Efficient Clothing Pattern Recognition for Blind People Using SVM Classifier, Volume No.4, Issue No.7, pp:0286-0291,ISSN:2319-7064, Post-processing of Pulse code modulation encoder output to downtick bit rates for voice transmission, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Volume No.3, Issue No.11,pp:0089-0091,ISSN:2321-2004, Edge Preserving Based on Weighted Guided Image Filtering, Volume No.5, Issue No.6, pp:1979-1982,ISSN:2319-7064, Real Instant Road Condition Monitoring With Data Logging Algorithm, Volume No.5, Issue No.6, pp:2154-2157,ISSN:2319-7064, VLSI Implementation of High Performance 1×5 Robust Router Architecture, Volume No.5, Issue No.17, pp:3433-3437,ISSN:2319-8885, Web Based Power Management in Home using Wireless Sensor Networks, Volume No.5, Issue No.7, pp:0964-0967,ISSN:2319-7064, Embedded System Based Environmental Condition Monitoring for Fish Farming, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume No.5, Issue No.8, pp:2640-2644,ISSN:2278-7798, GPS-GSM Based Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System Using ARM7, Volume No.5, Issue No.8, pp:2654-2658,ISSN:2278-7798, A Low Cost and Real Time Streetlight Monitoring System, Volume No.5, Issue No.8, pp:2679-2683,ISSN:2278-7798, Obstacle Detection and Navigation System for Impaired People, Volume No.5, Issue No.8, pp:2684-2689,ISSN:2278-7798, Many-To-Many Asymmetric Traffic Grooming in WDM Networks, International Journal of computer Networks and security, Wavelength Allocation in dynamic optical WDM Networks, International Journal of Advanced Scietific and technical research, An Ant based light path set up for Routing & Wavelength Assignment in optical WDM Networks, Ant path of topology for dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research(IJAER), Routing and wavelength assignment schemes in optical networks, Coimbatore institute of information technology international journal of Networking and Communication Engineering, International journal of Computer Applications in Engineering, Technology and sciences, Way to increase the Network Capacity of WDM Optical Network, international journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology, and sciences, Performance of Discrete Wavelet Transform based on OFDM with BER analysis, international journal of electrical and electronics and computer systems, volume6, Energy efficient using GLRT algorithm for LTE networks, international journal of electrical and electronics and computer systems, Face recognition using hybrid local descriptors for automated face detection-A survey, international journal of commerce and management studies, Data Transmission through OFDM system by using DWT Techniques, international journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD), Spectrum sensing of OFDM system is improved by using GLRT algorithm, Face recognition using hybrid local descriptors for automated face detection, An Innovative Technique of Texture Classification and Comparison Based on Long Linear Patterns, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.3, No.8, Science Publications, New York, USA, A Measure of Pattern Trends on Various Types of Pre-processed Textures, International Journal of Computer Science, Texture Classification by Simple Patterns on Edge Direction Movements, International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, Korea, Pipeline Implementation of New Segmentation Based on Cognate Neighbourhood Approach, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, Texture Segmentation Methods Based on Combinatorial of Morphological and Statistical Operations, Journal of Multimedia, Academy Publishers, Finland, Classification of Textures by Avoiding Complex Patterns, Texture Classification Based on Extraction of Skeleton Primitives using Wavelets, An Innovative Method for Texture Classification Based on Random Threshold and Measure of Pattern Trends, International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, Texture Classification with High Order Local Pattern Descriptor:Local Derivative Pattern, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Learner’s Centric Approach for Web Usage Mining, CiiT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, A Novel Scheme for Congestion Control in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Networks, A New Wavelet based Digital Watermarking Method for Authenticated Mobile Signals, International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Forecasting Stock Market Variables using ARIMA and Adaptive Modeling, Journal of Data Engineering and Computer Science, Comparative Analysis of Pattern Recognition Methods: An Overview, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, An Overview of Pattern Recognition Methods on Texture Classification, International Journal of Internet Computing, International Journal of Smart Sensor and Adhoc Network, An image Processing Approach for Accurate Determination of Parasitemia in Peripheral Blood Smear Images, IJCA Special Issue on Novel Aspects of Digital Imaging Applications DIA, Extending Racer with Thread is Alive Mechanisam, International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics (IJCSI), Binary Wavelet Transform for Inage Representation, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Frequent Pattern Mining: Dorsum Edge Pruning and Logical Inference Approach, IJSAT (International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology), Back Scan Pruning and Logical Analysis Approach, International Journal of Advanced Computing (IJAC), A Lossless Image Compression Using Traditional and Lifting Based Wavelets, Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal, Scheduling Algorithm Applications to Solve Simple Problems in Diagnostic Related Health Care Centers, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, A Novel Image Analysis Based System for Automatic Isolation of Erythrocytes Infected with Plasmodium Parasites in Digital Microscopic Blood Images, International Journal of Imaging (SCOPUS Indexed Journal) and Robotics and Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Reducing Runtime Values in Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering by Visual Access Tendency, International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process, Texton Based Shape Features on Local Binary Pattern for Age Classification, I.J.Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, Summarizing News Paper Articles : Experiments with Ontolgy Based , Customized, Extractive text Summary and Word Scoring, International Journal on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Automatic Tissue Segmentation in Medical Images using Differential Evolution, International journal of Applied Sciences, High Rate Compression Based On Luminance & Chrominance Of The Image Using Binary Plane Technique, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Video Segmentation for Moving Object Detection Using Local Change & Entropy Based Adaptive Window Thresholding, Automatic Feature Subset Selection using Genetic Algorithm for Clustering, International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology.