Specifically, Ray Jeffrey told scientology that I had agreed to ‘snitch’ on Mike Rinder as part of a settlement and that I would forever remain silent on the subject of scientology – if the price was right for Ray Jeffrey. Description: Aaron Smith-Levin and Jeffrey Augustine discuss Marty Rathbun's video series in which he uses lies, distortions, and falsehoods to attack those who speak out against Scientology. They have decided that they cannot apparently make a living without me. Learn how the mother of Marty Rathbun suffered mental breakdowns and ultimately committed suicide and how Bruce Rathbun, Marty’s brother, was found dead in Garden Grove, California. For Rinder, it was the poor man's Marty Rathbun response. That is notwithstanding Jeffrey’s guarantee he would litigate the case for the fifteen years I assured him it would require. Today, the St. Petersburg Times unveiled part two of its devastating series on David Miscavige, diminutive leader of … ... By order of Miscavige many of those sessions were secretly recorded by a well-concealed video camera and voice recorder system built into the VIP auditing room at Celebrity Center International. By way of example, Rinder states of his sugar mommy Karen De La Carriere: “She has a big ego and likes to be the center of attention.”, “She doesn’t always get everything right”, “She is more about having titillating information and quotes than being 100% accurate.”, “not all of her information is always 100% accurately worded or presented.”, “I know she is overboard on this and treats any perceived slight as an attempt to kill her.”. He was the first reader and critic of articles, speeches, and briefs I When directly confronted with the fact that his position was an exercise of favoring Mike Rinder’s interests over his client Monique Rathbun’s, Jeffrey elected to go with another pea in the ASC pod, Rinder. It came as a complete surprise to everyone. Even Academy Award winning writer/director Paul Haggis has gotten himself in on the speculation by giving us either/or scenarios which seem to prove for him that Marty Rathbun is working with David Miscavige to discredit critics of Scientology. Of course, that did become the springboard predicted and it lead to two and one half years of litigation on one, single motion. They abused Monique’s sincere legal process and rights for the illegitimate purpose of creating an ASC-assclown ruckus in the Scientology camp with a lack of sound factual basis (a classic Abuse of Process). Whether a client or not, Ray Jeffrey flat out attempted to sell his indisputable client down the river to the benefit of third parties, repeatedly. But, having no original thoughts or experiences of their own, they remain intent on taking other people’s money by suppressing other people’s lives. people subscribe to it the less able or willing they are to reason, Little problem. In fact, every penny of the down payment for our home was paid by proceeds of my employment – which had no connection whatsoever with anything even remotely related to Scientology. THIS GUN FOR HIRE June 2011: Even when Rathbun is not physically present, he still manages to spread his toxic mix of hatred and violence. 0 Sont fans. [25][26], In December 2018, Jezebel reported that Rathbun had appeared in videos criticising ex-Scientologist Leah Remini and suggested he had rejoined Scientology. [8] The Church of Scientology and Rathbun later denied that there had been an unscheduled meeting between Goldberg, Rathbun and Miscavige that day. Haggis now claims that he disclosed to me his plans to produce the expose of all exposes on the Scientology Guardian’s Office, L. Ron Hubbard, Mary Sue Hubbard, and “Operation Snow White”. Son parachute s’ouvre et il se pose délicatement dans la forêt en contrebas. She was more than magnanimous in her public characterizations of the lawyers given the skullduggery they practiced on her for three years. "[19], Rathbun left the Church of Scientology in 2004 and now offers counselling and auditing services for other Scientologists who have cut their ties with the Church. Two to three weeks after her release, on September 13, 1962, his home life grew even more traumatic. Just let them go and try to notice their source. Instead, he waxed authoritatively about acts that I allegedly did during that period. The author’s use of the Jesus construct frightens some off. For those many who considered that a logical result for a lawsuit, he converted a mundane alleged development into the crime of the century by positioning Ray Jeffrey as a knight in shining Underground Bunker armor who was ‘backstabbed’ by Monique by “fir[ing] her entire legal team, seek[ing] settlement” and “shitting” on Jeffrey and Krew. between our paths explicitly publicly out of personal respect for Whether it can be restored is their decision alone. Jeffrey stated that the entire purpose of what Scientology was doing to the Rathbuns was “to shut Marty up.” He apparently conveniently forgot that he fought like a wounded steer for many hours against the demand that he plead the case in exactly that accurate fashion (and throughout the length and breadth of the anti-SLAPP proceedings), so that Scientology could not turn it into a religious or ‘commercial’ dispute. CS started to make him an unperson, so there doesn't seem to be a lot to go on, but he's now speaking out. Recently Tony Backpage Ortega, Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, Ray Jeffrey, and Paul Haggis conducted a coordinated pile on effort to shut me up. Flying to each other's homes, wooing media outlets and staging outrageous stunts in an attempt to harass Scientologists—the duo seems all … Learn how Rathbun suffered his first mental breakdown after the Church of Scientology was fully recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS. As far as the Fair Game retribution tactics of the ASC klan Mango exposes, it aligns with my own experience, see e.g. Jeffrey should have thanked his lucky stars instead of scurrying like a cornered rat to snipe from the ‘safety’ of the underground bunker. Consequently, the ASC faithful swallowed the idea that we illicitly settled with Scientology as an article of faith. Miscavige and the scientology organization. This week, Remini took to the airwaves and twitter pronouncing me Fair Game once again. building. Rinder even post-mailed a sealed handwritten note detailing the plan for fear that talking about it on the phone or creating a digital record through e-mail might create evidence of criminally punishable extortion. PeaceMaker says. Two other former executives who … When Jeffrey lost the argument for the final time, he came back with the threat that his co-counsel would resign if he didn’t plead it his way.