The program’s objective is to provide an outstanding and distinctive education in chemical and biological engineering, through a comprehensive and progressive range of academic courses. The University of British Columbia vancouver campus. It has established a world-class reputation in several areas of chemical engineering science including fluid-solids contacting, pulp and paper engineering, heat exchanger fouling and, more recently, biotechnology. Project: The primary tasks will then be related to catalyst development, synthesis, and characterization to understand and control the interaction between carbon, catalyst surfaces, and reactants. All Biomedical Engineering Chemical And Biological Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical And Computer Engineering Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering School Of Engineering Okanagan Dean's Message; Senior Leadership; Staff Directory; Careers at APSC; Dean's Advisory Council; Admissions. The University of British Columbia. Click here! Program information ... do not satisfy the math requirement for admission to UBC’s science-based programs, the Faculty of Management, the UBC Sauder School of Business, or the Vancouver School of Economics. Biography - Bhushan Gopaluni. The Chemical & Biological Engineering Building is a new building with undergraduate laboratories equipped to introduce and teach students the concepts of unit operations and processes. Photo credit: Martin Dee. Here are a few snapshots of our people around the world and the … Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Graduate School . General Admission Guideline Applicants must hold a credential deemed academically equivalent to a four-year bachelor’s degree from UBC in engineering or a related discipline. ... Chemical Engineering or Chemical and Biological Engineering. Ultimate application of CO2 reduction will require electrocatalytic systems that provide reactants, electrons, and products at high rate and efficiency, and that […], Dr. David Wilkinson, CHBE Professor and Canadian Research Chair in Clean Energy and Electrochemical Technologies (Tier 1), has been appointed to the Order of Canada for his contributions to electrochemical science and engineering, particularly the ongoing development of fuel cell technology. The majority of the work will be experimental and involve novel high temperature reactors. The University of British Columbia. These statistics show data for the Master of Engineering in Chemical and Biological Engineering (MEng). Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, UBC, Professor; Department of Wood Science, UBC, Professor ... UBC Faculty of Science. ... UBC Engineering students have designed a full-face respirator that they claim is transparent, breathable and comfortable to use. The Chemical Engineering program at Columbia University is committed to performing research that is engaging and impactful. UBC Search. ), see the Faculty of Applied Science or visit the Program. Main navigation. Faculty Mentoring Program. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at UBC has an established worldwide reputation for its accredited undergraduate programs, innovative research and the quality of its graduates and faculty. UBC engineering prof appointed to Order of Canada Nov 30, 2020 David Wilkinson, a professor in UBC’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and an internationally recognized expert in electrochemical technologies, has been named a member of the Order of Canada “[f]or his contributions to electrochemical science and engineering, particularly the ongoing development of fuel cell … MASc. Below you will find a list of key contacts, resources and sources of information. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering was established in 1999 at UBC and reflect the growing need for engineers in the fields of biotechnology, biomedical and bio-resource engineering. A full list of Faculty and Staff is also available […], For inquiries and appointments, contact: (undergraduate) (graduate), Emails are monitored from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mon – Fri. Username: ... recently established the Exeter-UBC Engineering Fund aimed at supporting academics at … About UBC Contact UBC About the University News Events Careers Make a Gift Search Prior to UBC: John completed his BS (with honors) from the University of Washington in Chemical Engineering and received his PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara in Chemical Engineering. Faculty of Applied Science Chemical and Biological Engineering. The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CHBE) offers programs leading to the Master of Engineering (M.Eng. Key application areas include complex flows and complex fluids, aerodynamics, fluid-structure interaction, aero-/hydroelasticity, two-phase flows, microfluidics, combustion, clean energy, particle … Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering 218-2360 East Mall Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3 Tel: 604.822.3238 Fax: 604.822.6003 Email: Web: CO2 Utilization and Electrocatalytic Conversion to Products Date: January 15, 2021 Time: 1 p.m. (Pacific Time) Location: Zoom Link  Passcode: 209579 ABSTRACT Renewably powered CO2 electrocatalysis presents an opportunity to de-carbonize fuel and chemical production. This is … … Dean's Message; Senior Leadership; Staff Directory; Careers at APSC; Dean's Advisory Council; Admissions. The University of British Columbia Vancouver campus. Contact Information. Faculty of Applied Science UBC Engineering. Created in 1967, the Order of Canada is one of our country’s highest honours. Associate Membership in the School of Biomedical Engineering is an unofficial position given to a faculty member outside of the school when there is a need to have a formal arrangement to participate in teaching, research and service. Innovation. Several workshops and resources are available to School of Engineering faculty to embark on this exciting opportunity. Bhushan Gopaluni is a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Associate Dean, Education and Professional Development in the Faculty of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia (UBC).. At present there are 24 full-time faculty in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, together with a support staff of 17. He was a research chemical engineer at Bend Research (a division of Capsugel) and a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. 2036 Main Mall. LEARN MORE. and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in a number of areas of specialization within chemical and biological engineering. Menu. Master of Engineering in Civil EngineeringThe M.Eng. The Department is actively engaged in applied research, supported in part by external funding of […] The program requires completion of at least 30 credits of coursework beyond the Bachelor’s degree level. Thermofluids The faculty in the Thermofluids Research Group consists of professors who use modelling, numerical simulations, experiments, design and development for industrial and biomedical applications. UBC … Services are still fully available to students. Want to apply? At present, there are 24 full-time faculty in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, together with a support staff of 17. UBC Search. The University of British Columbia; Courses, money & enrolment; Career & experience; Campus life; Health & wellness; Academic success; New to UBC; ... and Schools The Faculty of Applied Science Bachelor of Applied Science Chemical and Biological Engineering. Faculty of Applied Science UBC Engineering. About. Meet our exceptional faculty at UBC Vancouver and School of Engineering (Okanagan)! Dr. Emily D. Cranston President’s Excellence Chair in Forest Bio-Products Associate Professor Forest Sciences Centre 4036 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Phone: 604 827-0627 Education & Academic Positions BSc Chemistry, McGill University (2001) PhD Materials Chemistry, McGill University (2008) Post-Doctoral Associate, KTH Royal Institute of … The School of Engineering is committed to the success of our faculty. One mechanism to promote faculty success is to provide a mentoring program. It comprises award-winning faculty and researchers, staff, and students, all engaged in a close-knit, inclusive learning environment with strong … Degree … Main menu. in Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia. Dr. Jonathan Verrett appointed as UBC-V Bauder Chair in Experiential Learning and Leadership Distinguished Speaker Seminar – Professor Margot Vigeant Professor Curtis Berlinguette wins the 2020 Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry Professor Xiaotao Bi wins the CSchE Award in Design and Industrial Practice ), Master of Science (M.Sc. Technical communication; oil sands, LNG; energy and mineral resource policy. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING COMPUTER ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING PHYSICS ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ... UBC Engineering students, faculty and alumni are continually forging new frontiers around the globe. Vancouver Campus. ... Mech Faculty and Staff Intranet. The University of British Columbia. About. UBC Search. and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in a … This course provides an introduction to the chemical engineering discipline, first by providing an overview of the physical … The thesis-based Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc) in Mechanical Engineering is a traditional research-based degree. The University of British Columbia. ), Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.) Community. : 514-398-4494 Fax: 514-398-6678 Machinist and Engineering Technician: (604) 827-5658: KAIS 1190: Hold, Angela Machinist and Engineering Technician: (604) 827-5658: KAIS 1190: Jolly, Glenn Technician: (604) 822-4530: KAIS 1220: Nimmervoll, Bernhard Machinist and Engineering Technician: (604) 822-8392: KAIS 1210: Wilson, Erik […], The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering services have moved online and staff and faculty are working remotely. ), Master of Science (M.Sc. Researchers at the University of British Columbia have developed an algorithm that can accurately identify different types of cells pictured in microscope photos, even when those cells are indistinguishable to the human eye. 1400+ Female Undergrads 14 Engineering Programs 31 Design Teams 42 Female Faculty Top 3 school in Canada Top 40 school in the World Biocatalysis, Bioremediation, Bioprocess engineering, Drug delivery, Infectious disease pathogenesis & … For information about the professional Master of Engineering Leadership (M.E.L. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. The Department offers programs leading to the Master of Engineering (M.Eng. Department of Chemical Engineering Room 3060, Wong Building, 3610 University Street Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C5 Tel. In Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Costa Rica . The Department welcomes applications for the Masters and Ph.D. degrees from academically qualified students with strong backgrounds in engineering and sciences. Work will be performed at UBC in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering’s 3 … He is also an associate faculty in the Institute of Applied Mathematics, the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems, Pulp … Degree … Program is a non-thesis, course-based professional program designed for students who would like to further their studies without pursuing research. Accolades: We have established a world-class reputation in several areas of chemical engineering science including fluid-solids contacting, pulp and paper engineering, heat exchanger fouling and, more recently, biotechnology. ), Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.) Engineering Pedagogy, Learning Analytics, Molecular and Mathematical Modeling, Gas Hydrates, Unconventional Energy Sources, Green Flow Assurance, Anti-freeze Proteins, Bioprocess Engineering, Anaerobic Fermentation, Bioremediation, Reactor Modeling, Biochemical Reaction Modeling, Reaction Kinetics, Canada Research Chair in Solar Energy Conversion (Tier 2), CO2 conversion and utilization, Solar Energy Conversion, Solar Fuels, Clean Hydrogen Production, Electrolysis, Director, UBC Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC), Fluidization, Reactor Design, Electrostatics, PEM Fuel Cells, Pollution Control, Biomass Processing, Green Engineering, Large-scale Optimization, Energy Systems, Machine Learning, High Performance Computing, Process Control, UBC President’s Excellence Chair in Forest Bioproducts, Sustainable Nanocomposites and Hybrid Materials from Cellulose and Other Biopolymers, Thermodynamics and kinetics of protein stability and protein-ligand binding, Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Faculty Associate, Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC), Faculty Associate, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES), Fluidization and Multiphase Systems, Biomass Utilization, CO2 Capture, Transdisciplinary Research and Learning, Clathrate (gas) hydrate science, engineering and novel applications (energy storage and transport, gas separations, desalination), high-value papermaking and novel paper-based products; Carbon dioxide capture and storage; Natural gas hydrates and climate change, Dynamics of Complex Fluids, Multiphase and Interfacial Fluid Mechanics, Cell and Tissue Mechanics, NSERC Canfor Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Bioproducts, Bioproducts, Cellulose Nanomaterials, Polymers, Biomaterials, Biomedical Devices, Fibers, Interfacial Phenomena, Functional Foods, Emulsions and Foams, Novel Instrumentation, Complex Fluids, Associate Dean, Education and Professional Development, Modeling and Experiment Design, Model Predictive Controllers, Identification for Control, Iterative Identification and Control, Data Analytics, Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Electrochemical Engineering and Electrocatalysis, Fuel Cells, Batteries, Porous Electrodes, Interfacial Phenomena, Rheology of polymer melts, polymer blends and pastes, Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, Polymer Processing, Surface Science and Superhydrophobicity, Canadian Research Chair in Interfacial Biotechnology (Tier 1), Biotechnology, Genomics, Biophysics, Bioengineering and Biomolecular Engineering Applied to Biologic Drug Discovery and Manufacturing, Therapeutics Design, Cancer Diagnostics, and Affinity Ligand Discovery, Lab course design, electrochemistry and analytical chemistry, Organic waste-to-resource recovery and recycling, Biomass feedstock engineering, Bioconversion processes and systems, Composting, Anaerobic digestion, Odor control, Biomass and fossil fuels; Spouted bed; Gas-particle system hydrodynamics, heat transfer; Hydrogen production, Director, Advanced Papermaking Initiative (API), Fluid mechanics, flow visualization, multiphase flows and computational fluid dynamics with applications to industrial problems, Scientific Director, RES’EAU Centre for Mobilizing Innovation, Drinking water quality, Advanced oxidation, UV based water treatment and purification, Ion exchange processes, Biological drinking water treatment, Electrochemical water treatment processes, Bioprocessing, Biomedical, Bioreactor and Device Engineering, Bioprocess Optimization and Cell Therapy Biotechnology, Teaching simulation and design of chemical processes, Bioprocessing, Industrial Microbiology, Microalgal Biotechnology, Sustainable Engineering, Interdisciplinary Education, Problem-Based Learning, Thermodynamics, two-phase flow and heat transfer, jet impingement boiling, HVAC, Engineering education, project based learning, clean energy curriculum development, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Bioproducts, Scientific Director, Bioproducts Institute, Biobased Colloids and Materials, Renewable Nanomaterials, Bioproducts. Faculty and students within CHBE conduct field-defining research that is providing … Home; About Us. Leadership. Catalysis and kinetics focused on residue oil upgrading, natural gas upgrading, methane conversion and syngas conversion, Statistical Thermodynamics of Polymers and Biopolymers, Mechanical Properties of Polymers Melts and Polymer Networks, Protein Folding and Stability, Functional Materials, Hierarchical Modeling, Artificial Photosynthesis, Solar Fuels, UV Photoreactors, Photo-Activated Sensors, Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Reactors, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Biomass Conversion, Biorefinery, Pretreatment, Chemocatalysis, Pulp and Paper, Kinetic Modeling, Transport Phenomena, Heterogeneous catalysis, clean energy, CO2-free chemical conversion, GHGs-to-fuels, Peer Learning, Student Leadership, Gas Hydrates, Energy Generation and Use, Fluid mechanics, Particle-laden flows, Non Newtonian flows, Heat and mass transfer, Numerical simulation, High performance computing, Multi-scale modelling, Canadian Research Chair in Clean Energy and Electrochemical Technologies (Tier 1), Electrochemistry, electrocatalysis, electrochemical power sources, hydrogen production and storage, electrosynthesis, waste water and drinking water treatment, solar fuels, carbon dioxide and nitrogen conversion, clean and sustainable energy and water, Director, MEL Program in Sustainable Process Engineering, Chair, Biotechnology Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada, Associate Editor, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Biocatalysis, Bioremediation, Bioprocess engineering, Drug delivery, Infectious disease pathogenesis & drug discovery, Green chemistry, Medical biotechnology, Metabolic engineering, Synthetic biology, Tissue engineering, Awards for Innovations & Engineering Leadership. It is exemplified by the pioneering work our faculty and students are doing across departments and disciplines, in partnership with sister schools, institutes, government, and industry. In addition to the 30 credits of required coursework, some specialty groups may require a project to be … We have never been more … Who are UBC’s female engineering leaders today? Main navigation. Password: Awards for Innovations & Engineering Leadership, Distinguished Speaker Seminar – Professor David Sinton, David Wilkinson appointed to the Order of Canada, CHBE Researchers Develop Biodegradable Medical Mask for COVID-19, CHBE Researchers Named Among World’s Top Scientists, Dr. Jonathan Verrett appointed as UBC-V Bauder Chair in Experiential Learning and Leadership, Distinguished Speaker Seminar – Professor Margot Vigeant, Professor Curtis Berlinguette wins the 2020 Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry, Professor Xiaotao Bi wins the CSchE Award in Design and Industrial Practice, Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory (AMPEL). The School of Engineering is an integral part of the Faculty of Applied Science at UBC. In this environment, UBC’s acclaimed program in Chemical & Biological Engineering uniquely prepares students to be leaders and trendsetters in the new bio-economy. Awards/Honours: UBC – 4 Year Fellowship (4YF) & Graduate Support Initiative (MASc) Universidad de Costa Rica – Graduate sponsorship through the Office of International Affairs (OAICE) The University of British Columbia Vancouver campus. Principal Investigator Dr. Emily D. Cranston Associate Professor Department of Wood Science, and Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering University of British Columbia, Canada Office: FSC 4036 Phone: 604-827-0627 Email: Postdoctoral Research Fellows Elisa Ferreira Post-Doctoral Fellow PhD Physical Chemistry UNICAMP, Brazil (2020) Lightweight bulky fibre-based … Faculty of Medicine School of Biomedical Engineering . Data are separated for each degree … BASc. The Master of Engineering is not administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The program normally takes two years of full-time study, and includes a total of thirty credits, research under the supervision of a faculty member and a thesis. Faculty of Applied Science School of Engineering. Take classes in UBC's Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Civil Engineering, which are among the top-ranked schools internationally; Visit program website. At present there are 24 full-time faculty in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, together with a support staff of 17. UBC Search. ... secure, connected, and creative humanity. ... SL, or IB Math Studies, do not satisfy the math requirement for admission to UBC’s science-based programs, the Faculty of Management, the UBC Sauder School of Business, or the Vancouver School of Economics. Choose UBC Engineering. The … Programs & Admissions. UBC Search. Students who do not have a […] This multi-faceted approach makes UBC engineers stand apart, on a firm foundation from which to build an exciting and rewarding career. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. UBC Search. A week long third-year field trip is offered in collaboration with British Columbia and Alberta companies to introduce students to industrial operations. We have established a world-class reputation in several areas of chemical engineering science including fluid-solids contacting, pulp and paper engineering, heat exchanger fouling and, more recently, biotechnology. UBC Engineering's world-class faculty and researchers are committed to an instructional approach that is varied, experiential and engaging. Undergraduate; ... Fusing the physical and chemical sciences with mathematics, process engineering, design and economics, a degree in Chemical Engineering opens doors to diverse … The University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. The Department has a long tradition of research excellence. Home; About.