The African Union is an organization that was established on July 10th 2002 in South Africa. These objectives include; Maybe more importantly, founder and creative director of online African fashion and lifestyle boutique Heritage 1960, Enyinne Owunwanne, suggests that “storytelling is one of the most meaningful methods of cultural proliferation. East African Community If their objectives were to be implemented, it can be a game changer in the region. b) Local Knowledge of Africa However, they are different in many ways. The average American believes 25% of the government’s budget goes to foreign aid. On 8 July 2016, following 12 years of negotiations, Tanzania announced that it will not be signing the European Union (EU) – East African Community (EAC) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) citing the United Kingdom referendum result on leaving the EU as one of the reasons for its decision. It allows local business and IT staff to be innovative (Viaene & De Hertogh, 2010, p. 324). It became an advantage motivating employees in carrying the business forward. When countries can freely move products across borders, then each nation gets to take advantage of the manufacturing, commercial, and industrial strengths of every other economy in the agreement. Through the indiscriminate exchange of 5 th freedom traffic rights, African carriers could face direct and Labor unions help workers get better benefits. Coventry Also, we’ll ask if there are advantages and disadvantages to emulating the EU model if in fact this is the case. Although the Confederacy had good leaders too, the Union had more. disadvantages: - there is corruption withing the leaders of the organization-focusing on only one goal in which … Therefore, within a South African context I/O psychologist aim/goal is to provide a space were diversity and transformation among employees are encouraged as well as implementing employee-orientated activities, in connection with human resources; economic and marketing improvement and improving competitiveness among South Africa (Kriek, Kenya Re is committed to offering world-class reinsurance service. With Egypt’s parliamentary ratification, three weeks from the anniversary of the signing, 19 out of the required 22 ratifications are in hand, signalling that meeting the objective of ‘entry into force’ (30 days later) is within reach.. Fax: +44 (0)24 7646 1606. Over 90% of unionized workers were entitled to medical benefits, while about 70% of non-union workers were entitled to the same benefit. Higher Wages – One of the top benefits of being a union worker is that you enjoy a better wage as compared to your non-union counterparts. The advantages and disadvantages of Unionized v non-unionized industries Group Members: Aalim Wells Anastasia Modeste Samantha Marcelle Non-Unionized Industries Unionized Industries A unionized industry is a trade/labour union to which all the workers of a particular industry can FedEx has a program to empower and motivate employees with responsibilities and allowing them to make some decision to improve delivery that enhances customer satisfaction (Mohammed, et, al. 1. The AfCFTA was conceived in January 2012 after the 18th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, held in Ethiopia. Some landlocked nations have overcome these disadvantages, providing templates for others to follow. 1. Absence of a standing army: Another problem faced by the African Union is the fact that it lacks a standing or ready army which makes it difficult when it comes to enforcing political decisions of the unions. ... advantages and disadvantages to emulating the EU model if in fact this is the case. With Africa rapidly on the rise – home to seven of the world’s fastest growing economies – African leaders are looking to safeguard a future of sustained growth. Please let us know if you agree to functional, advertising and performance cookies. 9 Disadvantages and Advantages of Labor Unions. (Kriek, 2012). Regional integration refers to various types of political and economic agreements that form closer ties between sovereign countries. Social media is a platform that we use every day and spend much time on them. Advantages and disadvantages Implementing a new currency in a country is always a controversial topic because it has both many advantages and disadvantages. The African Union has succeeded in developing cooperation and unity inside Africa as a whole, taking into consideration its efforts towards reducing conflict and improving democracy. This paid off. 12 . The idea is not for African designers to fight the uphill battle of patenting traditional design, but to better establish and enhance their economic gain on the global design platform to help propel them as the industry’s leaders in African design content. 4. • Be Africa’s best source of reinsurance security and service provider, increase gross premiums from new and existing markets, The present experience of monetary union within the EU could also be a source of disincentive. Single Market. Earlier days, when we are out of home or office, we need to search for a public telephone booth to make a phone call, but now, just pick up your mobile phone and dial. There are many benefits that the EU has brought to the world from an international perspective. The Civil War, which began in April of 1861, was the battle of the northern and southern states of America. The African Union after 10 years: Successes and Challenges. AU observer missions are now sent as a matter of routine to cover elections in all member states, in accordance with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007). In pursuit of prosperity in the region, the AU has in place declarations and institutions to promote and support economic integration among its 54 member states as the pathway to sustainable development. The charter that created the OAU was the result of several multinational African conferences held in the 1950s and 1960s aimed at supporting Africans A trade union is an organisation which consists of members, including workers and union leaders who come together to protect and stimulate their common interests. The biggest advantage of indigenous education is that you are able to make education more relevant to the learner because it becomes more relate-able, it becomes more modern The only disadvantage that I know of is that it’s difficult to do. Unlike the OUA which followed a doctrine of ‘non-interference’ in the internal affairs of member states, the AU has the authority through decisions of its Peace and Security Council to interfere in member states to promote peace and protect democracy, including deploying military force in situations in which genocide and crimes against humanity are being committed. The main example of this is the introduction of the Euro in the European Union. More recently, these PSOs have been authorized and carried out under Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) mandates and often, Nigerian took a leading role at the operational level. To create a single continental market for goods and services, with free movement of business persons and investments, and thus pave the way for accelerating the establishment of the Continental Customs Union and the African customs union. Be the reinsurer of choice in their chosen, 6 Political globalization can be very beneficial when countries need to stand together and support each other during difficult times such as unforeseen natural disasters or terrorist attacks. The EEC Customs Union was an important precursor to the Single Market as it abolished internal tariffs and abolished rules where you had to prove the countries origin. Focusing on the advantages, and disadvantages, of both the Union and Confederate States and how that, if at all, affected the outcome of the Civil War. However, at the moment, there is nothing tangible to boast about. New currency has different impacts on businesses and individuals, which creates more points of view on the usefulness of currency unions. From hardware solutions, Computech grew its product and service offering to include software solutions, managed services, enterprise solutions , and many more. Now I’m going to talk about advantages and disadvantages The social impact of the World Cup was that of bringing people of different races, ages, genders and backgrounds together to unite for the cause of supporting the country and of being good hosts. The advantages and disadvantages of the European Union show us that a greater good can come from such a structure. the Africa Union is from its creation - a joke destined to fail and again prove the world right – Africa cannot guide itself out of the condition that it finds itself in. Disadvantages of the free trade area. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic information about the advantages and disadvantages of … This is most obvious in the case of China’s ever growing presence in Africa, which the AU appears to regard as a positive factor. 2. This has given the Union a more strategic advantage over the Confederacy.2. Some of the major aims of the African Union (AU) include the following: Promotion of unity and solidarity : The AU has one of its biggest aims or goals being the promotion of unity and solidarity among African countries. A single currency is when a number of countries join their currencies together into one single currency. Comparative Advantage Greater Freedoms for it’s populations New Markets Reduce Poverty Benefits of Globalisation 1. SATUCC Southern Africa Trade Union Co-ordination Council SESTUZ Secondary School Teachers Union of Zambia SNC Standing Negotiation Committee SNDP Sixth National Development Plan SSA Sub-Saharan Africa SSANIP Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Polytechnics . However this monetary union also can be achieved by stepping some steps. Coronavirus (Covid-19): Latest updates and information, The African Union after 10 years: Successes and Challenges. The African Union is one of the world's most important intergovernmental organizations. When the war began, many key questions were still unanswered. Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 3523 This The AU’s unique voluntary ‘Peer Review Mechanism’ by which individual member states agree to be assessed by a team of experts drawn from other states is designed to encourage democracy and good governance. The last AU summit failed to agree on the adoption of a continent-wide trade proposal, but awareness of the importance of trade barriers for economic growth is not lost as a development priority – seeing that theme of the 19th summit, 9-16 July 2012, is “Boosting intra-Africa trade”. Answer (1 of 3): Those are some advantages of trade union : 1) it's protecting the interest of it's members 2) it's build the relationship between the employee and employer 3) it's organize social , recreational and culture activities among the members those are some disadvantages of trade union :1) If labour markets are competitive, higher wages will cause unemployment. The agreement will be the largest trade agreement in history since the creation of the World Trade Organization. 2. Kenya reinsurance has formulated specific objectives that contribute to the success of the organizations. rd by the YD. ... leaders would rather enjoy the luxury of being African when it suits them and Middle Eastern when that offers more advantages. Advantages and disadvantages Implementing a new currency in a country is always a controversial topic because it has both many advantages and disadvantages. Africa is the largest recipient of foreign aid, which is thought to have moved African economies forward as this can be seen from the rise in number of school going children, accessibility to health services, efficiency in armies, improvement of infrastructure such as roads, stadiums, bridges, universities and the shift in the gross domestic product of the recipient countries, including also creation of job opportunities for people. Africa’s 17 landlocked countries have built-in geographic disadvantages that contribute to poor performances in economic, social and even political growth. It offer cross-border client services and provide distinctive local knowledge which will be immense benefit to your customers’ businesses. The disadvantages must be recognized, however, and then proactively removed from the equation to prevent loss of life, reduced economic influence, and other unforeseen issues that may arise. Moreover, “the role of foreign. It is therefore useful to take stock of the achievements of the AU in its first decade and, this can best be done from two broad perspectives which represent the main goals of the AU mentioned above - peace and prosperity. Free trade area and customs union both deal with tariffs and trading. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. The free trade area also has several drawbacks, including: Reduced income. Southerners enjoyed the initial advantage of morale: The South was fighting to maintain its way of life, whereas the North was fighting to maintain a union. Telephone Listings It is an existing union between five South African countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. The European Union creates stability because all of the nations belonging to the agreement (or NATO) work together for their mutual good. They were formed to counter-balance the monopsony power of employers and seek higher wages, better working conditions and a fairer share of the company's profits. It is noted how Nelson Mandela was also acknowledged for helping to achieve this unity, as he had secured the rights to host the event in 2004 (Adams, 2010). Over the years, the firm has cemented its place at the pinnacle of the robust technology industry in East Africa. The issue of economics is a very different question, since each member has unique needs that a continental body cannot always meet. OAU Organisation of African Trade Union Unity ODC Offshore Development Company OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OTUWA Organisation of West African Trade Unions . Adams also mentions that the country is going through a transition from a painful and divided past and that South Africans are trying to become one nation (2010). The AU has clearly had reasonable successes through its direct contribution and collaboration with the international community to settling and minimising conflicts in some of the region’s hotbeds, such as trouble spots in the Sudan, resolving post-election violent conflicts in Cote d’Ivoire and Kenya, and forcing military coup-makers to hand back power to civilian regimes. Social Media, University of Warwick Advantages And Disadvantages Of The African Union African Fashion Analysis. That means there are lower cost burdens to worry about with each transaction, prices stay lower, and there c… TRADE UNION … The African continental free trade area (AfCFTA) was signed in Kigali, Rwanda, on 18 March 2018. 9 Disadvantages and Advantages of Labor Unions. The negotiations for the East African Monetary Union, which commenced in 2011, and fast tracking the process towards East African Federation all underscore the serious determination of the East African leadership and citizens to construct a powerful and sustainable East African economic and political bloc. Free Trade Area vs. Customs Union vs. Using mobile phones has lots of advantages and disadvantages and most you will be aware of that. They work directly with their union board to communicate their demands, and the union board then negotiates with the employers on the workers behalf. African leaders often refer to the European Union as the organization after which the Africa Union (AU) is modeled therefore it is relevant to examine the EU briefly, considering the relevance and accuracy, of such comparison. Progress has been made by the AU commission, in collaboration with international partners and the UN, towards better coordinating and harmonizing development policies and programmes with the 5 Regional Economic Communities (RECs) representing the various geographical regions of the continent. This The above are just some of the major problems that are currently bedeviling the African Union and making its operations difficult. This is the oldest Customs Union in the world, dating back to 1910, before its member countries were independent. Advantage . Disadvantages of currency union Loss of sovereignty: – This means that country adopting the Common currency has to give up the Monetary policies to the body who is controlling the union . Political globalization is the reason that the UN exists and can uphold political peace between countries and help foreign countries aid African countries in need. The positive side of foreign aid is that it is said to alleviate poverty in developing countries because there are charity organizations that are in place to assist countries that are heavily poverty stricken. The Europe, Middle East, Indian-sub-Continent and Africa (EMEA) express has enjoyed the company 's long history of full empowerment. Its solutions, that is its products are fully customised and delivered through the most extensive banking network in Africa. A single market has many benefits. Threats to intellectual property. Advantages and disadvantages . mandate of the then Organization of African Unity (OAU), now African Union (AU). According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2014 median weekly pay for full-time workers belonging to a union was $970, compared to $763 for their nonunion counterparts. The processes of economic integration have positive and negative consequences for the countries, although they are not the same in all cases. A currency union, therefore, appears to be en vogue as (at least one part of) a solution. At the African Union’s (AU) 18th Ordinary Session in January 2012, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the heads of state and government of African countries agreed to establish the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).1 This free trade area is outlined in the African Continental Free Trade Agreement among 54 of the 55 AU member states currently. The advantages and disadvantages of globalization above will surely give you lots of great learning. The AU would have to adopt an appropriate strategy to manage international cooperation in an era of globalisation and in a changing world order; it would need to come up with a relevant and practical conceptualisation of ‘innovative and transformative partnership’ which its member states would certainly need to complement national development efforts. When workers are employed and unionized, they have a much better chance to receive essential benefits from their employer. Indigenous cultures throughout the world have fought to enshrine into law parameters to protect their cultural intellectual properties by patents or trademarks. The unions want to negotiate the best wages and benefits for their members, and employers want to have productive employees and make a profit. The AfCFTA is the largest in the world in terms of participating countries since the formation of the World Trade Organization,2 as it translates to a marke… c) Customised Solutions Free trade creates economic growth opportunities.The free trade agreements in North America helped the U.S. economy grow by an average of 0.5% per year more than it would have otherwise. The African Union wants to be taken seriously. Each side sees the glass as being half-full, with the other side being wrong. The transition from OAU to AU was clearly intended to transform the institutional framework for realizing the pan-African vision and mission from what some critics regarded as a mere ‘talking shop’ to an action-oriented forum. Trade could also benefit through the availability of new airfreight links. Communications Office Advantages & disadvantages of single currencies Advantages & disadvantages of single currencies / monetary integration. Its predecessor was the Organization for African Unity (OAU)—established in 1963. Its electronic channels are best in security. Union Advantages: Leaders. According to Shar Adams (2010), the 2010 FIFA World Cup was a defining moment in South African history, as it played a role in uniting the country after years of separation. SHARE. The main UN centers are in Kenya and Ethiopia. “Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. They work directly with their union board to communicate their demands, and the union board then negotiates with the employers on the workers behalf. a) Foot prints across Africa Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki Pocket. There have also been some hiccups or setbacks, such as the decision by the AU to move its July 2012 bi-annual summit from Lilongwe, Malawi, to Addis Ababa in response to Malawi’s refusal to invite the Sudan’s head of state, Omar al-Bashir, from participating on the ground that he is charged and under a warrant of arrest by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes: this, in a way, reflects a potential conflict between African regionalism and international mechanisms to promote and protect the rule of law, justice and respect for human rights. We use cookies to give you the best online experience. Economic integration generates a substantial reduction in the cost of trade. ADVANTAGES: DISADVANTAGES: Africa which could lead to an increase of tourists to South Africa and the creation of new business opportunities. The African Union provides a international forum for African debate and discussion of many issues! This means that they had seve… In today’s highly globalized world, with new creative innovation sprouting up around the... World Cup Positive Impact. When law enforcement is weak, the threat to intellectual property is also higher. The African Union is one of the world 's most dominant intergovernmental operations. With consistent growth came diversification. Advantages and Disadvantages of International Trade. Africa’s traditional partners in the West tend to view its relationship with China with some concern and scepticism regarding motive and outcome. Advantages and Disadvantages of Trades Unions Trade unions are organisations representing the interests of workers. It takes time to understand business needs and design various solutions to meet those needs. Advantages and Disadvantages of The Union and The Confederacy. This is in no way to discriminate the AU or to create controversy, this is to solely show the disadvantages of AU for the people who are interested in the AU. Jan 28, 2016 May 15, 2015 by Crystal Lombardo. Advantages and Disadvantage of Mobile Phones. ... the independence of Angola and Namibia and in other matters relating to the African Union. Fashion tells a visual story, oftentimes coupled with a story of history and tradition, and this is invaluable for promoting the sustainability of Africa culture” (Pool, n.d.). In fact, there are major differences among the West African … The brilliant Ricardo devised this, it is the ultimate argument to those who argue Economics is either too complicated to be of any use or simple common sense. ", Each of these cultures is defined by values, traditions, social habits and behaviours, language, belief systems, concepts of the universe, dress, music and arts that they encompass ( 2013) According to Falola and Salm (2002 p. ix), the Africans regard culture as essential to their lives and future development. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of foreign aid take a look at the reality of this transfer wealth... The then Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) —established in 1963 given the Union a more strategic over. Area also has several drawbacks, including: Reduced income are in kenya and Ethiopia advertising and performance.! Extensive banking network in Africa more points of view on the continent then at any time they have a better! Wages, membership in a Union has been effective in boosting cooperation and relationship international! Some concern and scepticism regarding motive and outcome existing Union between five South African countries: Botswana Lesotho. 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