Prerequisite: Junior standing. Television News Reporting II. 3 Hours. Continuation of JOUR 4873. Also investigates the role of the black press from its beginnings in 1827 through the civil rights movement. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). 1 Hour. Practicum for students to plan, design, promote and execute several Journalism Days events, to include the Roy Reed Lecture, a scholarship reception, a job fair, Senior Salute and a fundraiser. Community Journalism. Includes the specialized knowledge and skills needed in field reporting, anchoring, writing, and producing news for commercial television. JOUR 3923H. Continuation of JOUR 3072 and JOUR 3071L. (Typically offered: Irregular). About the School of Journalism and Strategic Media: The School of Journalism and Strategic Media is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research and media discourse. Honors Research Methods in Journalism. Prerequisite: JOUR 2013 with a grade of C or better. JOUR 508V. Integrates lessons on corporate social responsibility, personal branding and media entrepreneurship. (Typically offered: Fall). Required of all M.A. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both JOUR 4073 and JOUR 5173. JOUR 5173. JOUR 4333. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Spring Even Years). which stresses their importance in today's society and introduces the student to the various areas in journalism. JOUR 4063. (Typically offered: Fall). Magazine Editing and Production I. Corequisite: Lab component. Looking for the latest campus updates on Coronavirus/COVID-19? Social Media and Journalism. Corequisite: Lab component. Ethics in Journalism. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. A continuation of JOUR 5323, Documentary Production I. Students will compose magazine-length nonfiction stories on timely subjects under deadline. Write creative briefs, positioning statements and prepare copy-testing research instruments to evaluate messages. Corequisite: JOUR 2332. Most courses in the journalism minor can be applied toward the on-campus bachelor’s degree program in journalism, which was established in 1931 and is offered by the School of Journalism and Strategic Media in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences offers. 1 Hour. Specialized Journalism Seminar. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). This course is equivalent to JOUR 4981. Browse the Journalism Collections: Journalism Faculty Publications and Presentations. According to the University of Arkansas' Walter J. Lemke Department of Journalism, the undergraduate journalism program has three areas of emphasis: Editorial/News Sequence, Broadcast Radio & TV Sequence, and Advertising & Public Relations Sequence. (Typically offered: Irregular). Advanced Television News Production. Broadcast News Reporting II Laboratory. May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit. The Journalism Department at the University of Arkansas on Prerequisite: Junior standing and 10 hours of journalism and a 2.5 cumulative grade average. (Typically offered: Spring). Graduate degree credit will not be given for both JOUR 4033 and JOUR 5013. Students prepare and present television newscasts for air. Prerequisite: Junior standing. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. (Formerly JOUR 4073.) Journalism B.A. JOUR 2032. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit. 1-3 Hour. Advanced Reporting. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Journalism major, Journalism minor, or department consent. In-depth, hands-on exploration of computer hardware and software in the design and production of media messages. African Americans in Film. University of Arkansas JOUR 5903. JOUR 5313. JOUR 4073. 3 Hours. The #UARK website has JOUR 4873. Emphasis also given to campaign presentation delivery, utilizing audio and visual techniques. This course is cross-listed with AAST 4923. JOUR 3733. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week. Report required on significant aspect of internship experience. The ethical performance of the mass media dedicated to news, public relations and advertising is evaluated based on ethical theories and industry standards. This course will instruct students in deciding news stories for regional readers, how those stories can best be written and displayed. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both JOUR 4903 and JOUR 5903. Lab 6 hours. UA Ethics in Journalism Class Focuses on COVID-19 Stories. Corequisite: JOUR 2031L. (Typically offered: Fall). (Typically offered: Fall and Spring), (Formerly JOUR 4503.) Theses from 2018 PDF. JOUR 3263. University of Arkansas offers 3 Journalism Degree programs. JOUR 5323. Stresses public affairs coverage, interpretive, investigative, and analytic journalism, involving research, work with documents, public records, and budgets and specialized reporting. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both ADPR 4463 and JOUR 5463. Prerequisite: JOUR 4873 with a grade of C or better. 2 Hours. Focuses on the role of corporations, financial markets, and regulators, and benefiting students interested in sports, entertainment, political and investigative journalism. Ethical issues and best practices in data reporting are also examined. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, JOUR 1033 with a grade of C or better, and completion of the GSP requirement. Corequisite: JOUR 2331L. Only 109 schools in the U.S. are accredited by ACEJMC. Intensive training in the production of in-depth, public radio style news stories. 1-3 Hour. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring), Emphasis on techniques and principles of coverage of sports and sports-related subjects on and off the field, and on the relationship between sports and the mass media. Lab component arranged. JOUR 5003. 1-3 Hour. Introduction to the specialized field of sports television production. The Center for Ethics in Journalism J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. Required trip to Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival. Prerequisite: Journalism honors major. JOUR 1023. Selection based on academic performance, demonstrated journalism development as shown by working in news, radio, TV internships/jobs and other … (Typically offered: Spring). 3 Hours. African-American history, culture and socio-political context are addressed in the analyses of these documentary films from the perspectives of mainstream media, independent filmmakers and minority documentarians. In-depth study of documentary film as non-fiction, long form journalism. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Prerequisite: JOUR 3633 with a grade of C or better. which stresses their importance in today's society and introduces the student to the various areas in journalism. Primary purpose of course is to enlarge the journalistic skills of students interested in advanced forms of mass communication. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring), A survey of mass media (newspaper, radio, TV, magazine, advertising, public relations, photography, etc.) Storytelling for Today's Media. Covers a special topic or issue, offered as a part of the honors program. Professional Journalism Seminar. Focuses on the links between mass media and government and the increasingly significant role of media in politics and government. – Katherine Shurlds, University of Arkansas journalism instructor and longtime director of the Lemke Journalism Project, will be honored as the Journalism Educator of the Year by the Arkansas Press Association. 3 Hours. JOUR 4033. Corequisite: JOUR 3072. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit. JOUR 5883. JOUR 5043. JOUR 4863. Her dissertation from the University of Southern Mississippi, “’If It Ain’t Broke, Break It’: How Corporate Journalism Killed the Arkansas Gazette ” won an honorable mention in the American Journalism Historians Association’s 2013 Margaret A. Blanchard Dissertation Prize contest and was published by the University of Arkansas Press in 2015. In 2015, 186 students graduated in the study area of Journalism with students earning 180 Bachelor's degrees, and 6 Master's degrees. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Covers subject, funding, research and development, pre-production planning, field production, talent, music, post production, promotion, broadcast and distribution. JOUR 2063. 3 Hours. Covers the historic context of contributions and innovations to U.S. newspapers by African Americans. 479-575-2000. The School of Journalism and Strategic Media is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research and media discourse. Computer-Assisted Publishing. Broadcast News Reporting II. Examination of complex problems encountered by professional journalists with focus on research and analysis of the role of journalism in major social, economic, and political developments. JOUR 5923. (Typically offered: Fall). The award will be presented Friday, July 11, during the association’s 2014 SuperConvention in Hot Springs. (Typically offered: Spring), Study of non-fiction newspaper and magazine feature articles with emphasis on locating subjects, and on writing techniques and practice in article writing. Prerequisite: JOUR 3072 and JOUR 3071L, each with a grade of C or better. JOUR 5333. 3 Hours. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week. Areas of study include news editorial and reporting, broadcast, public Students wishing to follow the eight-semester degree plan should see the Eight-Semester Degree Policy for university requirements of the program. by rmccargo | Apr 3, 2020 | Upcoming Events. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Good writing will be emphasized. Prerequisite: JOUR 1023 and JOUR 1033, each with a grade of C or better, and completion of the GSP requirement. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). The University of Arkansas School of Journalism and Strategic Media is hosting the annual J-Days events April 2-6, 2018. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. guidance and access to hands-on experience from our seasoned, award-winning faculty Prerequisite: JOUR 2032 and JOUR 2031L, each with a grade of C or better. Prerequisite: JOUR 4873 with a grade of C or better. Prerequisite: JOUR 2332 and JOUR 2331L, each with a grade of C or better. Focuses on multi-camera, single-camera and studio production. Credit for practical experience gained through a journalistic internship. (Typically offered: Spring). (Typically offered: Fall), An introduction to basic data reporting skills, including how to use data to guide and inform reporting as well as tell stories to better serve the public. Instruction with lab work in editing and producing various types of magazines. Journalism Undergraduate Honors Theses . Continuation of JOUR 2032. Social Media and Journalism teaches conceptual knowledge and skills to develop news judgment and use changing technological tools to disseminate news quickly and to different audiences. JOUR 5013. Prerequisite: JOUR 2013 with a grade of C or better. A survey of the history of images of African Americans in film, especially as these images are examined in the context of stereotypical renditions and/or realistic representations of African American experiences. Social Media and Journalism teaches conceptual knowledge and skills to develop news judgment and use changing technological tools to disseminate news quickly and to different audiences. Research Methods in Journalism. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Irregular), Constitutional guarantees, statutory laws and court cases applicable to mass communications. Also investigates the role of the black press from its beginnings in 1827 through the civil rights movement. The School of Communication offers degree programs in communication, journalism, public relations and writing. (Typically offered: Fall), Theories and practices in newspaper editing, copyreading, headline writing, page layout and the gathering and publication of written and pictorial information. History of the Black Press. (Typically offered: Fall). Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). The School of Journalism and Strategic Media is dedicated to excellence in teaching, Studio lab and field work outside of regularly scheduled class time required. History of the Black Press. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). 1-3 Hour. Prerequisite: Journalism major, minor or department consent. Students in our journalism degree programs receive instruction, Stories are submitted for contests and publication, when possible. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both JOUR 4503 and JOUR 5503. journalism students. Advanced production techniques in the specialized field of sports television production. Please read and share our statement -- from the School of Journalism and Strategic Pre- or Corequisite: Complete and pass the GSP or Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation test with a 75% or higher, or complete JOUR 1003 with a grade of C or better. The podcast is a production of the Arkansas Story Vault at the David and Barbara Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History and is co-produced by the School of Journalism and Strategic Media in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas. 3 Hours. We’d like to thank our generous donors for making it possible to award scholarships to journalism students. Degree Programs. Prerequisite: JOUR major and junior standing and 10 hours JOUR and 2.50 cumulative grade point average. Internship in Journalism. Directed study in conceptualizing, researching, and writing a major paper to meet the college writing requirement. It also offers lower-division core courses in First-Year Writing and Principles of Communication. The value of interacting with sources and the audience is stressed as are ethical, legal and accuracy issues. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Consisting of a four story classroom block and a seven story tower of faculty offices, it houses the departments of Communications, Drama, English, Foreign Languages, Journalism and Physics, making it the busiest academic building on campus. 3 Hours. Critical examination of specific ethical problems confronting professionals in all areas of mass communications. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Prerequisite: JOUR 2032 and JOUR 2031L, each with a grade of C or better. A survey of mass media (newspaper, radio, TV, magazine, advertising, public relations, photography, etc.) Course includes magazine design, selecting and editing stories and photographs, laying out the story and photo pages, and other mechanical processes. (Typically offered: Fall). (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). We are still available to assist you during our normal office hours, and recommend A study of superior works of non-fiction journalism, past and present. Event Promotion and Execution. Students photograph, write, and edit a documentary begun in the fall semester. Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701479-575-4801 Students are introduced to techniques in data analysis, management, visualization and production of data-driven articles and and multimedia presentations. Prerequisite: JOUR 2013 with a grade of C or better. 3 Hours. JOUR 4553. JOUR 2453. Founded as Arkansas Industrial University in 1871, classes were first held on January 22, 1872, with its present name adopted in 1899. with Advertising-PR Sequence Eight-Semester Degree Program. (Typically offered: Fall). Photo courtesy of INTRODUCTION Students in Professor Raymond McCaffrey’s Spring 2020 Ethics in Journalism class at the University of Arkansas met for the last time together in Kimpel Hall on March 12. Prerequisite: ADPR 3723 and ADPR 3743, each with a grade of B or better, and 2.5 overall GPA. Prerequisite: JOUR 3072 and JOUR 3071L, each with a grade of C or better. Students prepare and present television newscasts for air. The semester goal is to publish a paper. Computer-Assisted Publishing. Advanced Radio News Reporting. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Corequisite: Lab component. FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. Provides experience in basic broadcast news reporting techniques. Corequisite: Lab component. transfer to the U of A School of Journalism and Strategic Media. Deadline to apply for scholarships this year is Friday, Feb. 5 at 4 p.m. Photojournalism 1 Lab involves the transfer of images from a digital camera to a computer, and involves the use of image editing and enhancing software as well as layout and design software. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Prerequisite: JOUR 2013 or JOUR 2032 with a grade of C or better. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: JOUR 1023 and JOUR 1033, each with a grade of C or better, and completion of the GSP requirement. This course will instruct students in deciding news stories for regional readers, how those stories can best be written and displayed. The Multimedia Journalism program is certified by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism & Mass Communications for our undergraduate programs in journalism and radio-television. Photojournalism I Laboratory. We have some of the most outstanding scholarship support of all departments and programs (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit. (Typically offered: Fall). 3 Hours. Prerequisite: JOUR 2453 with a grade of C or better, or instructor consent. During the 2018-2019 academic year, University of Arkansas at Little Rock handed out 54 bachelor's degrees in journalism. 2 Hours. (Typically offered: Spring). 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Students undertake projects related to particular aspects or problems of journalism. Fayetteville, AR 72701 It is the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas System and the largest university in Arkansas. A seminar examining the professional ethical principles and ethical performance in the journalism field. JOUR 3072. The value of interacting with sources and the audience is stressed as are ethical, legal and accuracy issues. JOUR 4923. Multimedia Journalism. (KNWA/KFTA) — The University of Arkansas’ School of Journalism and Strategic Media will take over management and operations of, the university announced in a release on Thursday. Honors Colloquium. Broadcast News Reporting I. JOUR 3273. Ethics in Journalism. During the 2018-2019 academic year, University of Arkansas handed out 133 bachelor's degrees in journalism. Journalism Undergraduate Honors Theses . Examines the power, responsibility, and performance of the press and public officials/government agencies in their relationship with each other. (Typically offered: Spring Even Years) Covers introductory journalistic writing and correct grammar usage, the logic governing syntax and punctuation use, analysis of grammar and syntax, sentence structure, word selection to convey proper meaning, memory aids, and other language topics relevant to journalistic writing. (Typically offered: Fall). news source for daily Covid-19 data and trends in Arkansas since March 2020, will (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for degree credit. Advanced Journalistic Practices. A prerequisite to JOUR 2003, JOUR 2013, JOUR 2031L, JOUR 2032, JOUR 2053, JOUR 2063, ADPR 3723 and ADPR 3743. Please note: Guidance from the CDC, Arkansas Department of Health and university may 1-6 Hour. Prerequisite: Journalism major, Journalism minor, or department consent. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit. JOUR 4903. Media Graphics and Technology. Continuation of JOUR 4863. JOUR 5093. Business Journalism. JOUR 4883. The semester goal is to publish a paper. JOUR 5133. 3 Hours. Popularity of Journalism at UA Little Rock. Prerequisite: JOUR 1023 and JOUR 2013, each with a grade of C or better. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both JOUR 4883 and JOUR 5883. JOUR 3083. JOUR 402V. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Spring). 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer). Includes producing multimedia presentations and working with audio as well as still images. Due to this, the school was ranked #73 out of all colleges and universities that offer this degree. Graduate Journalism Internship. Issues of African American history, culture, and socio-political context will be addressed in the analyses of these films. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Honors candidacy (not restricted to candidacy in journalism). Study of news and feature photography. Photojournalism II. Honors Journalism Writing Requirement. (Typically offered: Spring). Covering the Courts. Media University of Arkansas. research and media discourse. University of Arkansas Journalism Days. Kimpel Hall, constructed in 1977, is located at one of the busiest pedestrian intersections on the campus of University of Arkansas. Corequisite: JOUR 3071L. (Formerly JOUR 4063.) Emphasis on the major types of qualitative and quantitative research, electronic data base searching, and traditional library research. Laboratory component arranged., Links to important University of Arkansas pages. Introduction to Sports Television Production I. Including advanced methods of gathering and writing broadcast news. The School of Mass Communication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock combines the strengths of Media Production and Design, Strategic Communication, Film and Journalism programs to expose students to a broad spectrum of media studies. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Journalism major, minor, or department consent. reaching out via email to get in touch. JOUR 4893. Prerequisite: ENGL 1023 and junior or senior standing. JOUR 2331L. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Including advanced skills in broadcast news techniques. Advanced Radio News Reporting. Daily management and operations for, which has served as a leading JOUR 4093. Business Journalism. Prerequisite: Any STAT course or instructor permission. Prerequisite: JOUR 5323. Intensive training in the production of in-depth, public radio style news stories. 3 Hours. Browse. Provides a functional approach to improving language and writing skills specific to journalistic writing. the most up-to-date information at and staff. Journalism Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Literature of Journalism. Media and Society. Prerequisite: JOUR 2032 and JOUR 2031L, each with a grade of C or better. (Typically offered: Fall). (Formerly JOUR 4033.) (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit. (Typically offered: Spring). (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 12 hours of degree credit. Theses from 2016 PDF. Students must make a C in order to satisfy the college writing requirement. 3 Hours. In-depth, hands-on exploration of computer hardware and software in the design and production of media messages. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Must have completed 6 hours of graduate course credit. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week. Examines how the U.S. economy works and how to find news in business, market and government data sources. Emphasizes content creation and web publishing, including infographics and promotional materials. Prerequisite: JOUR 2032 and JOUR 2031L, each with a grade of C or better. JOUR 4981. Sports Television Production II. JOUR 498VH. (Formerly JOUR 4903.) Journalism Student Works. (Typically offered: Irregular). Journalistic Writing Skills. African Americans in Documentary Film. Corequisite: Lab component. Introduction to computer skills required in journalism; focuses on training in the major creative software used for generating media graphics and visual communication. Honors journalism writing requirement. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or honors program standing. Studio lab and field work outside of regularly scheduled class time required. Content varies. Introduction to developing content strategies that tell accurate, concise stories across multiple media platforms. Study of advanced journalistic practices and methods, individual or group projects. Prerequisite: 90 hours. Prerequisite: JOUR 1033 with a grade of C or better, and completion of the GSP requirement. Photo Journalism I. Follow. Alumni and other journalism professionals will be featured throughout the week. JOUR 5163. Provides students with the skills of visual literacy, photo editing, audio processing, video editing and web publishing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring), Introduces students to the skills of observation, critical thinking and concise writing required in all aspects of journalism and strategic media, as well as to the technology needed in upper-level courses. JOUR 2053. — The School of Journalism and Strategic Media at the University of Arkansas is celebrating its 90th year as an institution. Social Media and Journalism. (Typically offered: Spring), Examination of the major journalism and mass media theories and conceptual perspectives regarding journalism, news, mass media, advertising and public relations relevant to industry and academic researchers and professionals. Exploration of the African-American image and experience in the context of time, historical record and varying production viewpoints from diverse documentarians. Research methods of utility in journalism. Hoyt Purvis, professor emeritus of journalism, J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. JOUR 443V. Beginning course in the fundamentals of photography, including digital photography, composition, file transfer and management, image enhancement, and layout and design. Due to this, the school was ranked #23 out of all colleges and universities that offer this degree. (Typically offered: Irregular). (Typically offered: Fall and Summer). Television News Producing. Focuses on multi-camera, single-camera and studio production. Popularity of Journalism at UARK. Credit for practical experience gained through a journalistic internship. 3 Hours. Learn more about this accreditation >> (Typically offered: Spring), This intensive writing and reporting course is for students with proven feature-writing skills and an interest in the human-interest stories found in such leading magazines as The New Yorker, Esquire, Harper's, the Atlantic, and others. The University of Arkansas (U of A, UArk, or UA) is a public land-grant research university in Fayetteville, Arkansas. (Typically offered: Spring). Integrate consumers' perspectives into creative strategy to developing brand stories for clients. Laboratory component arranged. Laboratory 3 hours per week. Examination of developing media technologies and the computer's influence on design and conceptualization. (Typically offered: Spring). 1 Hour. Recommended for students considering journalism as a major. Continuation of JOUR 2031L. JOUR 2003. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both JOUR 4063 and JOUR 5163. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Formerly JOUR 4883.) It's a large public university in a small city. The course examines basic aesthetic principles in visual composition and techniques applicable to audio, video and web production. The School was founded in the basement of Old Main in 1930 by Walter J. Lemke, the department would move to various … 3 Hours. Advanced Television News Production. JOUR 5193. Prerequisite: JOUR 2013 or JOUR 2032 with a grade of C or better. Home; About. Links to important University of Arkansas pages. 3 Hours. Community Journalism. Reading and writing assignments are aimed at familiarizing students with the nature of the mass media and their social responsibilities. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Irregular). 1 Hour. JOUR 2031L. Visit, Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences JOUR 4943H. Laboratory component arranged. Examination of developing media technologies and the computer's influence on design and conceptualization. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Fall). Intensive training in the methods of gathering and writing broadcast news. 525 Old Main (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Many faculty and staff face specific challenges in selecting, reading critically, and 2.5 overall GPA, and... Both major and academic studies production strategies skills needed in field reporting, broadcast public... This page deadline to apply for scholarships this year is Friday, July 11 during! Guidance and access to hands-on experience from our seasoned, award-winning faculty and staff members are to! Students undertake projects related to particular aspects or problems of journalism applied advertising research and discourse. African-American image and experience in the design and production of data-driven articles and and multimedia presentations of with! 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