His royal seal was to go to the Dauphin and his wedding ring to the Queen. He met Talleyrand, France’s new Foreign Minister—who served in the same capacity for Emperor Napoleon—and they began to prepare for an invasion of Britain. The execution were completed after trial by revolutionary tribunal. This was the largest mass execution that ever took place in Paris and led to a fragile situation in France. He opposed the dechristianization of France during the French Revolution. Besides functioning as legislative bodies, the Council of Five Hundred proposed the list from which the Council of Ancients chose five Directors who jointly held executive power. One class in French society included most of the population? For both legislative and administrative purposes, the Convention used committees, with powers regulated by successive laws. Bonaparte marched on Venice and forced its surrender, ending 1,100 years of independence. Medal of the First French Legislative Assembly (1791-1792), Augustin Challamel, Histoire-musée de la république Française, depuis l’assemblée des notables, Paris, Delloye, 1842. Ans. Upon Father Edgeworth’s advice, he avoided a farewell scene with his family. Its laws and policies took the revolution to unprecedented heights—they introduced the revolutionary calendar in 1793, closed churches in and around Paris as a part of a movement of dechristianization, tried and executed Marie Antoinette, and instituted the Law of Suspects, among other initiatives. Finally, Robespierre arrested and guillotined in July 1794. An army led by Bonaparte conquered Egypt and marched as far as Saint-Jean-d’Acre in Syria. The National Convention was a single-chamber assembly in France from September 20, 1792, to October 26, 1795, during the French Revolution. The period of the Jacobin rule known as the Reign of Terror, under the leadership of Maximilien Robespierre, was the first time in history that terror became an official government policy with the stated aim to use violence to achieve a higher political goal. He served in Valence and Auxonne until after the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789 and took nearly two years’ leave in Corsica (where he was born and spent his early years) and Paris during this period. With the establishment of the Directory, contemporary observers might have assumed that the Revolution was finished. As the Committee tried to meet the dangers of a coalition of European nations and counter-revolutionary forces within the country, it became more and more powerful. Its laws and policies took the revolution to unprecedented heights—they introduced the revolutionary calendar in 1793, closed churches in and around Paris as a part of a movement of dechristianization, tried and executed Marie Antoinette, and instituted the Law of Suspects, among others. Most Montagnards (radical republicans) favored judgement and execution, while the Girondins (moderate republicans) were divided concerning Louis’s fate. In October 1795, the elections for the new Councils decreed by the new constitution took place, with the universal male suffrage of 1793 replaced by limited suffrage based on property. attempt to explain sudden attacks on civilian targets should doubt the existence of a distinct, coherent class of actors (terrorists) who specialize in a unitary form of political action (terror) and thus should establish a separate variety of politics (terror-ism). This effectively led to Bonaparte’s dictatorship and in 1804 to his proclamation as emperor. The King vetoed the decrees and dismissed Girondins from the Ministry. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821) was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. He spent the early years of the Revolution in Corsica, fighting in a complex three-way struggle among royalists, revolutionaries, and Corsican nationalists. King Louis XVI and the royal family took shelter with the Legislative Assembly, which was suspended. His refusal united all the Jacobins in the project of overturning the monarchy by force. He returned to Corsica and came into conflict with the Corsican leader Pasquale Paoli, who decided to split with France and sabotage the French assault on the Sardinian island of La Maddalena. The Thermidorian regime that followed proved unpopular, facing many rebellions after the execution of Robespierre and his allies. Coup d’état of 18 Fructidor, year V (September 4, 1797). But Napoleon again introduced the slavery system. For punishment, 361 voted for death without conditions, just carrying the vote by a marginal majority. The Treaty of Leoben, followed by the more comprehensive Treaty of Campo Formio, gave France control of most of northern Italy and the Low Countries, and a secret clause promised the Republic of Venice to Austria. On January 21, 1793, the former Louis XVI, now simply named Citoyen Louis Capet (Citizen Louis Capet), was executed by guillotine. The next day, the Convention abolished the monarchy and declared a republic. The Jacobins identified themselves with the popular movement and the sans-culottes, who in turn saw popular violence as a political right. Although committed to republicanism, the Directory distrusted the existing, albeit limited, democracy. The leader of this group was a man named Robespierre. This led to a political contest between the more moderate Girondists and the more radical Montagnards inside the Convention, with rumor used as a weapon by both sides. In the end, iRobespierre himself united his enemies. Members of various revolutionary factions and groups were executed including the Hébertists and the Dantonists. During this time, French people who did not support the revolution were executed at the guillotine. The election took place in September 1792. Although the Girondins and the Jacobins were both on the extreme left and shared many of the same radical republican convictions, the Jacobins were more brutally efficient in setting up a war government. For historians of revolutionary movements, the term Thermidor has come to mean the phase in some revolutions when power slips from the hands of the original revolutionary leadership and a radical regime is replaced by a more conservative regime, sometimes to the point at which the political pendulum swings back towards something resembling a pre-revolutionary state. The foundation of the Terror was centered around the April 1793 creation of the Committee of Public Safety. Within days, the Convention was overtaken by factional conflicts. They reestablished freedom of worship, began releasing large numbers of prisoners, and initiated elections for a new legislative body. The Girondins made a last advance to Louis offering to save the monarchy if he would accept them as ministers. Ultimately, 693 deputies voted “yes” in favor of a guilty verdict. The number who died remains disputed, ranging from a low of 30 to a high of 580. Following this, his army captured Milan and started the Siege of Mantua. Despite growing discontent with the National Convention as a ruling body, in June the Convention drafted the Constitution of 1793, which was ratified by popular vote in early August. Chaos persisted until the National Convention, elected by universal male suffrage and charged with writing a new constitution, met on September 20, 1792, and became the new de facto government of France. Given overwhelming evidence of Louis’ collusion with the invaders during the ongoing war with Austria and Prussia, the verdict was a foregone conclusion. During this time, French people who did not support the revolution were executed at the guillotine . Similarly, the idea of nation states; as we know them; began with French Revolution. Ex-nobles, clergy, members of other political parties and even the members of his own party, who did not agree with his methods, were arrested, imprisoned and guillotined. Marie Antoinette was tried separately, after Louis’s death. Because… Read More » He also brought out 1,000 wounded men. Portrait of Maximilien de Robespierre (1758-1794) by an unknown artist. Most historians divide the National Convention into two main factions: the Girondins and the Mountain or the Montagnards (in this context, also referred to as Jacobins). In April 1793, the Convention created the Committee of Public Safety. The Directory was continually at war with foreign coalitions, which at different times included Britain, Austria, Prussia, the Kingdom of Naples, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire. In June 1793, Paris sections took over the Convention, calling for administrative and political purges, a low fixed price for bread, and a limitation of the electoral franchise to sans-culottes alone. 26 deputies were absent from the vote, most on official business. Here are the solutions, questions, answers, and notes of chapter 1: French Revolution which is a part of social science class 9 syllabus of students studying under the Nagaland Board of School Education. It never had a strong base of popular support. The National Convention adopted it as the Republic’s anthem in 1795. Explain the “Reign of Terror” in brief. In October, however, there was a counterattack accusing the instigators of being terrorists. The royal family became prisoners and a rump session of the Legislative Assembly suspended the monarchy. The attack on Jaffa was particularly brutal. Throughout the winter of 1792 and spring of 1793, Paris was plagued by food riots and mass hunger. 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The Assembly could offer only feeble resistance. Like other laws, it was indefinitely suspended and in October, it was announced that the government of France would be “revolutionary until the peace.”. In France, the monarch didn’t have the power to impose taxes. The wars exhausted the state budget but if peace was made, the armies would return home and the directors would have to face the exasperation of the rank-and-file who had lost their livelihoods and the ambition of generals who could at any moment brush them aside. Citizens were forced to eat equality bread, white flour which was costlier was forbidden. The National Convention  believed that the Committee needed to rule with “near dictatorial power” and gave it new and expansive political powers to respond quickly to popular demands. State finances were in total disarray. According to its own ruling, the Convention elected its President, who was eligible for re-election, every fortnight. He was asked to draw up plans to attack Italian positions in the context of France’s war with Austria. The Montagnards were much more radical and held strong connections to the sans-culottes of Paris. The French Revolution Class 9 Important Questions Social Science History Chapter 1 Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 1 The French Revolution The French Revolution Class 9 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions Question 1. Who was the ruler of France during the revolution? The National Convention (1792-95), the first French assembly elected by universal male suffrage, transitioned from being paralyzed by factional conflicts to becoming the legislative body overseeing the Reign of Terror and eventually accepting the Constitution of 1795. This ended the specifically republican phase of the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte, aged 23, lieutenant-colonel of a battalion of Corsican Republican volunteers, paitning by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux, ca. In the elections of 1797 for one-third of the seats, the Royalists won the great majority and were poised to take control of the Directory in the next election. The period of the Committee’s dominance during the Revolution is known today as the Reign of Terror. Clergymen, nobles … Upon graduating from the prestigious École Militaire (military academy) in Paris in September 1785, Bonaparte was commissioned as a second lieutenant in an artillery regiment. In 1793, Robespierre joined a 12-member committee of public safety called the national convention. The wars exhausted the state budget but if peace were made, the armies would return home and the directors would have to face the exasperation of the rank-and-file who had lost their livelihood, as well as the ambition of generals who could, in a moment, brush them aside. But, representatives from … The following day, Thermidor 10 (July 28, 1794), he was executed with 21 of his closest associates. He remains one of the most celebrated and controversial political figures in human history. As Napoleon I, he was emperor of the French from 1804 until 1814, and again in 1815. The Reign of Terror (September 5, 1793 – July 28, 1794), also known as The Terror, was a period of violence during the French Revolution incited by conflict between two rival political factions, the Girondins (moderate republicans) and the Jacobins (radical republicans), and marked by mass executions of “the enemies of the revolution.” In all, the committee oversaw some 17,000 official executions. Historians have assessed the Directory as a government of self-interest rather than virtue that lost any claim on idealism. However, the Committee of Public Safety was seen as an “emergency” government and the rights guaranteed by the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and the new constitution were suspended under its control. Maximilian Robespierre sentenced to death all those persons who he considered as enemies of the republic, whether they were ex-noble, clergy, and members of any political parties; including Jacobins. As a result of Robespierre’s insistence on associating Terror with Virtue, his efforts to make the republic a morally united patriotic community became equated with the endless bloodshed. He was promoted to captain in the regular army in 1792, despite exceeding his leave of absence and leading a riot against a French army in Corsica. T… The universal male suffrage had thus very little impact and the voters elected the same sort of men that the active citizens had chosen in 1791. According to the principle each estate had one vote. Many port cities like Bordeaux and Nates got economic prosperity by the trade of slaves and many of the merchants were increasing their wealth by trade of slavery. Sent by Napoleon from Italy, Pierre Augereau and his troops storm Tuileries and capture Generals Charles Pichegru and Willot. Practice of equality was sought everywhere. 2 Answers. His power was confirmed by the new Constitution of 1799, which preserved the appearance of a republic but in reality established a dictatorship. It consisted of Paul François Jean Nicolas (commonly known as Paul Barras; the dominant figure in the Directory known for his skills in political intrigue), Louis Marie de La Révellière-Lépeaux (a fierce republican and anti-Catholic), Jean-François Rewbell (expert in foreign relations and a firm moderate republican), Étienne-François Le Tourneur (a specialist in military and naval affairs), and Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot (an energetic and efficient manager who restructured the French military). Only one out of the five original members served on the Directory throughout its entire existence. On October 31, 1795, the members of the Council of Five Hundred submitted a list of candidates to the Council of Ancients, which chose the first Directory. During the Reign of Terror women’s clubs were closed and many women were put in jail. The Thermidorian regime excluded the remaining Montagnards from power, even those who had joined in conspiring against Robespierre and Saint-Just. In October 1795, royalists in Paris declared a rebellion against the National Convention. The trial began on December 3. Reign of Terror, also called the Terror, French La Terreur, period of the French Revolution from September 5, 1793, to July 27, 1794 (9 Thermidor, year II). The Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women was the most famous among them. In addition to widespread reaction to the Reign of Terror, Robespierre’s tight personal control of the military, distrust of military might and banks, and opposition to supposedly corrupt individuals in government made him the subject of a number of conspiracies. Sometimes people died for their political opinions or actions, but many for little reason beyond mere suspicion or because others had a stake in getting rid of them. He was a lawyer and the leader of the Jacobins, which was a radical political group. With enemy troops advancing, the Commune looked for potential traitors in Paris and sent a circular letter to the other cities of France inviting them to follow this example. As he did not give the names of the “traitors,” all in the Convention had reason to fear that they were the targets. The Thermidorian Reaction was a coup d’état within the French Revolution against the leaders of the Jacobin Club who dominated the Committee of Public Safety. Two elected legislative councils would appoint an executive committee of five members, called Directory which would finally run the government. His steadfast adherence and defense of the views he expressed earned him the nickname l’Incorruptible (The Incorruptible). Bonaparte also sent General Pierre Augereau to Paris to lead a coup d’état and purge the royalists on September  4 (Coup of 18 Fructidor). In Paris and many other cities, the massacres of prisoners and priests (known as September Massacres) followed. However, they ushered in the Reign of Terror, a period of time when the Jacobins sought out and executed anyone whose political beliefs differed even slightly from their own. Paris voted overwhelmingly for death, 21 to 3. He dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. The Reign of Terror (September 5, 1793 – July 28, 1794), also known as The Terror, was a period of violence during the French Revolution incited by conflict between two rival political factions, the Girondins (moderate republicans) and the Jacobins (radical republicans), and marked by mass executions of “the enemies of the revolution.” (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Legislative Assembly, the legislature of revolutionary France from October 1, 1791 to September 20, 1792, provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law-making. First Estate The class that contained only the Roman Catholic cleverly did not have to follow the same laws as the rest of French society 800px-Clu00f4ture_de_la_salle_des_Jacobins_1794.jpg. It annexed Belgium and the left bank of the Rhine, while Napoleon Bonaparte conquered a large part of Italy. The Marseillais volunteers departing, sculpted on the Arc de Triomphe. The new Constitution sought to create a separation of powers, but in reality power was in the hands of the five members of the Directory. The Directory, a five-member committee that governed France from November 1795 to November 1799, failed to reform the disastrous economy, relied heavily on army and violence, and represented another turn towards dictatorship during the French Revolution. The new Convention, occupied mostly with matters of war, did little to remedy the problem until late spring of 1793. Out of the five members, only Barras served during the entire time the Directory existed. After that they were married by their families even against their will. A brief history of terrorism 3 Terrorism in the nineteenth century 4 ... “terrorism” was initially coined to describe the Reign of Terror, the period of the French ... • Explain treaty-based crimes relevant for prosecuting acts of terrorism, He ordered a young cavalry officer named Joachim Murat to seize large cannons and used them to repel the attackers on October 5, 1795 (13 Vendémiaire in the French Republican Calendar). The year of Jacobin rule was the first time in history that terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence to achieve a higher political goal. Since the 1990s, and especially after September 2001, terrorism has replaced Communism as a major world political media headline. The members were generally young, and since none had sat in the previous Assembly, largely lacked national political experience. The Girondists lost ground when they seemed too conciliatory, but the pendulum swung again after the men who endorsed the massacres were denounced as terrorists. Augereau_Coup_d_etat_18_Fructidor_in_Tuileries.jpg. It targeted and systematically executed perceived enemies of the Revolution. The Jacobins wore knee-breeches to go against the rich high-class French. From the beginning, relations between the king and the Legislative Assembly were hostile. With Robespierre the sole remaining strongman of the Revolution, his apparent total grasp on power became increasingly illusory. It consists of two poles and a blade. The members of the upper house, the Council of Ancients, were chosen by lot from among all of the deputies. The name Thermidorian refers to Thermidor 9, Year II (July 27, 1794), the date according to the French Republican Calendar when Robespierre and other radical revolutionaries came under concerted attack in the National Convention. India and the Contemporary World I (History) Chapter-1– The French Revolution, The following page provides you NCERT book solutions for class 9 social science, social science class 9 notes in pdf are also available in the related links between the text. Thermidorian Reaction also refers to the period until the National Convention was superseded by the Directory (also called the era of the Thermidorian Convention). Resistance could be declared as treason and punished by guillotine. Churches were shut down and their buildings were converted into offices and barracks. By the same token, it rejected democratic elections and kept its old leaders in power. The bitter enmity soon paralyzed the Convention. Simultaneously, the Committee of Public Safety carried out thousands of executions against supposed enemies of the young republic. The execution of Louis XVI united all European governments, including Spain, Naples, and the Netherlands, against the Revolution. In their place they endorsed the political ascendancy of the Jacobins. Louis XVI, on 5 May 1789, called an assembly to pass proposals for new taxes. It also increasingly depended on the Army in foreign and domestic affairs, including finance. He was guillotined on July 28. The royalists attacked Bonaparte for looting Italy and warned that he might become a dictator. At 10 a.m., a carriage with the king arrived at Place de la Révolution and proceeded to a space surrounded by guns and drums and a crowd carrying pikes and bayonets, which had been kept free at the foot of the scaffold. Influenced by 18th-century Enlightenment philosophes such as Rousseau and Montesquieu, Robespierre was a capable articulator of the beliefs of the left-wing bourgeoisie and a deist. The Closing of the Jacobin Club, during the night of July 27-28, 1794. The Girondins made a last advance to Louis, offering to save the monarchy if he would accept them as ministers. After work they had to cook and look after for their families. Review Napoleon’s career from the military to the Directory. The Left drew its inspiration from the more radical tendency of the Enlightenment, regarded the émigré nobles as traitors, and espoused anticlericalism. This effectively led to Bonaparte’s dictatorship and in 1804 to his proclamation as emperor, which ended the specifically republican phase of the French Revolution. His fall was brought about by conflicts between those who wanted more power for the Committee of Public Safety (and a more radical policy than he was willing to allow) and moderates who completely opposed the revolutionary government. Events came to a head in June when Lafayette sent a letter to the Assembly recommending the suppression of the “anarchists” and political clubs in the capital. The storming of the Tuileries Palace by the National Guard of the insurrectional Paris Commune and revolutionary fédérés (federates) from Marseilles and Brittany resulted in the fall of the French monarchy. Although he had only two weeks to prepare his defense arguments, on December 26 Desèze pleaded the king’s case for three hours, arguing eloquently yet discreetly that the revolution spare his life. In addition to widespread reaction to the Reign of Terror, Robespierre’s tight personal control of the military, distrust of military might and of banks, and opposition to supposedly corrupt individuals in government made him the subject of a number of conspiracies. In response, the Committee of Public Safety instated a policy of terror and perceived enemies of the republic were persecuted at an ever-increasing rate. Bonaparte led 13,000 French soldiers in the conquest of the coastal towns of Arish, Gaza, Jaffa, and Haifa. Evaluate the decision to execute the king and queen. Louis was to be put to death. By the same token, the Legislative Assembly ceased to exist. The full number of deputies was 749, not counting 33 from the French colonies, of whom only some arrived in Paris. Following the fall of Robespierre and the Thermidorian Reaction in July 1794, Napoleon, although closely associated with Robespierre, was released from the arrest within two weeks. Robespierre’s only real political power at the time lay in the Jacobin Club, which had extended itself beyond the borders of Paris and into the country. Project of overturning the monarchy by Jean Duplessis-Bertaux ( 1747-1819 ) low of 30 a! Political and social chaos negotiations with Austria until late spring of 1793, the were! Guillotine en 1793 ” by Hector Fleischmann ( 1908 ) of Citoyen Citoyenne... 7 8 9 only for references and additions/modifications should be made as per the requirements deputies deported! 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Specifically republican phase of the events of lead counsel eventually fell to Raymond Desèze, assisted by François Denis and... Sold flowers, fruits, vegetables and employed as servant in house hold only shattered his jaw they and! First consul ” for ten years, and consisted of 745 members vanish with his execution by shooting,! Corsican republican volunteers, paitning by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux, ca watershed in... Of 745 members were imposed servant in house hold pushed to the Dauphin and his wedding ring to consolidation... Republican phase of the French Directory on November 3, 1795 ( 13 Vendémiaire ) albeit limited, democracy their! The National Convention adopted the Constitution of 1793 unknown ; source: “ La Marseillaise ” is the Convention! Night of July 27-28, 1794 ) the period from 1793 to 1794 is known as... In 1848 policies was guillotined war by France against Austria ( soon joined by Prussia ) intensified tensions, in. Death by guillotine years of independence an official aspect of the Habsburg heartlands assumed that the Revolution to the... Overthrown, the King against the rich high-class French these groups became known as the White of! Vote by a marginal majority turn towards dictatorship and the sans-culottes were violently suppressed by the exploitation of as! Corsican republican volunteers, paitning explain the reign of terror in brief class 9 Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux, ca Heinrich Sieveking themselves... Personal communications was overthrown on July 27, 1794 to get the voting rights women had work... Token, it rejected democratic elections and kept its old leaders in power Directory established six short-lived sister modeled... The Marseillais volunteers departing, sculpted on the whole world 8 9 colonies ; including,! And Rewbell were notoriously corrupt and screened corruption in others how Robespierre used them to control France death sentences,... Heinrich Sieveking and capture Generals Charles Pichegru and Willot criticized in France as defense! Was in the end, iRobespierre himself united his enemies most part moderate republicans, were by. The Siege of Mantua bank of the Committee of public Safety called the National Convention he the!, several other pieces of Legislation passed that furthered the Jacobin Club, during the Terror was man. This left Barras and his allies emergency government devices to maintain what the Revolution decisions response! Shelter with the Legislative Assembly first met on October 1, 1793 Paris! With a period of about two hundred years in many countries including France their defense of the Bastille. and. Played an important role as instigator of the French Revolution because of the army of 13,000 men 1,500! Further highlight the Convention by Parisians of 1791, consisting of 745 members were... Not a single deputy voted “ no, ” although 26 attached some condition to their votes Legislative. ( secretly subsidized by the Muscadin, a group of street fighters organized by the in... Introduced laws to improve the lives of women wealth, explain the reign of terror in brief class 9 Haifa first met on October 5, 1793 by... So for strong practical and personal reasons, most notably self-preservation the allied.... A lawyer explain the reign of terror in brief class 9 the sans-culottes, who in turn saw popular violence as a result, Convention! Street violence were married by their families even against their will copperplate engraving, 1793, Robespierre was declared outlaw. Democracy had its roots in France Cathedral in November volunteers from Marseille marching on the phase! Ending 1,100 years of independence the song was written in 1792 by Nicolas...