PowerShell.org > Articles > AD User Last Logon information. As mentioned above, the lastlogon attribute can differ depending on which Active Directory Domain Controller it is read from. I run this script from domain controller, but i only get the computer and the last logon, I don't have the last user logon or the frequency of logon. Determining Last Login with a PowerShell Script. I have found a couple of scripts that check the last mailbox login, but that is not what we need, because we also want to list unlicensed users. This script will pull information from the Windows event log for a local computer and provide a detailed report on user login activity. Last Logon Report Scope Creep. For more conditions such as get AD user last logon report for specific OUs, get AD user last logon and export to CSV, etc. Back to topic. You can find last logon date and even user login history with the Windows event log and a little PowerShell! You can find out the time the user last logged into the domain from the command line using the net or dsquery tools. Often you are in the situation to get last logon time for only user mailboxes and eliminates other types like shared mailbox, room mailbox. I want a script that collects all logons from the organization's computers, and shows the last user logon and the most user's access in the computer. In the option 1 : How do I pull last logon users for multiple computers? I got the below script and it is working fine however I sound not export to csv format. How to get the last user logged into a computer with PowerShell . ... Is there any Power Shell script to generate last logon time stamp for a list of users. August 16, 2016 ... # *** THIS SCRIPT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK *** <# .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the username of the user that logged into a computer last. The above script exports Office 365 users who are not logged in the past 50 days. We basically needed to see which IDs were being used and which weren’t. PowerShell: Getting all Azure AD User IDs Last Login date and Time As part of a recent project, I needed to check the last login time for all the Azure AD Users. Open a command prompt (you don’t need domain administrator privileges to get AD user info), and run the command: net user administrator /domain| findstr "Last" You got the user’s last logon time: 08.08.2019 11:14:13. You can leverage PowerShell to get last logon information such as the last successful or failed interactive logon timestamps and the number of failed interactive logons of users to Active Directory. In this post, I explain a couple of examples for the Get-ADUser cmdlet. The commands can be found by running. Any one can help to modify the script adding export-csv to the below script This is about the point where the script changed–a bit of a surprise for my manager too! . the PowerShell script's complexity increases. To find out all users, who have logged on in the last 10 days, run In this article, you’re going to learn how to build a user activity PowerShell script. Turns out they didn’t actually want a report, they wanted a script that would look at every user and disable anyone who hasn’t logged in in 30 days! Open PowerShell and run (Get-Host).Version. Export Office 365 User Mailbox Last Logon Time to CSV. First, make sure your system is running PowerShell 5.1. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Get-Command -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts. So the most accurate method will be to query all domain controllers and report the latest value. Is it possible, using PowerShell, to list all AAD users' last login date (no matter how they logged in)? Users Last Logon Time. Discovering Local User Administration Commands. To do this, you can use the following scrip in a powershell script: